Chapter 15

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Evy and I are sitting in the office. I am letting her go through some of my mails, answeringen the ones that she can, with my help. It's been 2 days since Monaco. Tomorrow, we'll fly to Montreal for the Canadian Grand Prix.

"Sienna?" Evy asks. I look up to her, away from my own screen. I'm still not done with all the interviews.

"This e-mail asks for a signing session with Max" she starts. I nod and look at the screen. I read the e-mail myself and check everything.

"Alright, I'll answer it myself later, because some things need to be arranged" I tell her. She nods and continues.

I look at the time and see we've been at it for 3 hours already. I smile and sit back, ready for a small break. In half an hour, we have lunch.

"I forgot to ask, how was the party in Monaco?" I ask Evy. She looks up and smiles brightly. That must mean something good.

"It was awesome. Max took me there, so he and I took some drinks together. When he could, he introduced me to some drivers, but they were not that interested in me. Until Carlos came. I had already met him here, off course. So Carlos came to talk to me and we danced. He even asked me if I came to Canada because he thought I was only here for Monaco" she says, a bright smile visiable on her face.

"So, you like Carlos?" I ask her, making her blush. When the two met her in the Factory, he had already taken a liking to her. He seemed really interested in her and she liked that.

"Carlos is really sweet, so I'm happy for you!" I tell her. She nods and looks down for a second, before looking up at me.

"Have you seen Daniel at al?" she asks me. I shake my head, not ready to talk about him. It keeps being weird between us and I can't handle it.

"No, but I will today. The day before we leave for a different country, the entire teams are here, so Max and Daniel are here" I say. Evy nods.

"Let's go to the lunch room, I'm hungry!" I tell, logging off and shutting everything off. I grab my phone and wait for Evy. Together we make our way down.

We walk into the lunchroom and I spot Joelle, Daniel and Max right away. I smile and pull Evy with me.

"Ah, there they are" Max says, smiling at both of us as we sit down. I smile back at him, now sitting between him and Evy. Across from me, is Daniel.

"Really for Canada, boys?" I ask, looking for Max to Daniel. I am so pleased with myself that I have a talent for ignoring whatever is happening between Daniel and I.

"I am, ready for a good weekend" Daniel says, looking at me. Max agrees, although he only had one bad weekend. Daniel, in his mind atleast, had 2.

"You better do well, because I am not going to cheer you up a second time" I say to Daniel, causing him to grin. Joelle is really quiet, but she is smiling at all of us.

"I just hope that we can fight the front this weekend, both of us" Max says, looking at Daniel. Daniel nods, totally agreeing.

"Are you excited, Evy?" Daniel asks, smiling at her. She nods her head heavily.

"Very! I loved Monaco, atleast until halfway through the race, so I am looking forward to Canada" she says. Daniel and Evy start talking and I zoom out.

My eyes are stuck on Daniel's face. I keep thinking about how close it was to mine a couple of days ago. We almost kissed, again. And I don't even know if I mind. But that's the thing, I don't really know. And I need to find out.

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