Chapter 50

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"Have I told you how much I hate longhaul flights?" Daniel asks as we take our seats on the plane. I giggle and nod.

"Yeah, about everytime we have a longhaul flight" I say. Daniel chuckles himself, putting his stuff away in the overhead compartments. I put my bag next to his, while taking out my laptop and phone.

"How can you work through a longhaul flight?" Daniel asks, eyeing my laptop. I giggle and open my mailbox for him.

"Because of this" I just say, pointing at the number that says how many unread e-mails I have. Daniel's eyes widen, as he now looks at me. I giggle at his face, I'm used to it by now.

"A longhaul flight is the perfect time to go through my mails. While you sleep, I work" I explain to Daniel. Whenever I try to work at home, I get distracted by Daniel.

"And these are all about me?" Daniel asks me, frowning slightly.

"Mostly, some are still about Max" I say, letting my eyes scan through the subjects.

"How come you have so many mails but I don't have that many interviews?"

"Because I can't let you go to 100 interviews in one weekend, so I always pick some out and say no to the others" I say. Daniel just nods slowly.

"I never knew it was so much" Daniel mumbles, looking around to see Joelle on her laptop as well, next to Max. Max's head is resting against the window, he looks exhausted.

"I do have an idea! We need to find a girlfriend for Max" I tell Daniel. He now chuckles, looking over at his friend and team mate.

"Do you think he'll want that?" Daniel asks, looking half serious. I just shrug, not knowing what Max wants.

"I don't know, but we can always try, right?" I ask him. Daniel just chuckles, looking away from Max. He puts his phone to airplane mode, while I just put my laptop away for when we are in the air. The plane starts to move, making Daniel sigh heavily.

"Let the hell begin" he just mumbles, leaning back.


Another long flight later and we're standing at the hotel in Singapore. The boys have the rest of the day off, to just chill and get ready for the weekend.

"Do you want to drink something in the bar?" Joelle asks, as the 4 of us are standing together in the lobby. It's 5 P.M, so it's a normal time to be drinking, sort off.

"Where is Stuart?" Daniel asks. We all look around us and there is no sign of the personal trainer.

"Good, I'm in. I can use some beers" Daniel says. Max and I agree as well, moving towards the hotel bar. We sit down at the back of it, to not draw too much attention. Max and Daniel both order beers, as Joelle and I just stick with water.

"I'm already dying of the heat" Joelle puffs, making me giggle. Sure, the heat is a lot, but I'm enjoying it rather than the cold European weather.

"Imagine what it'll be like in the car" Max mumbles, as Daniel sighs as well. I just giggle at them all. I do understand that it'll get too much in the car.

"Just drink enough water at the track, guys. We don't want drivers fainting" I say. They both nod with a smile.

"Off course" Daniel answers, smiling wider at me.

"As long as you guys do the same, we don't want fainting PR's" Max says, making Joelle and me giggle.


Daniel and I walk towards our hotel room. Daniel is pulling our suitcase, puffing every second. We decided it was easier to just take one suitcase whenever we travel for race weekends. It's quite a filled suitcase, as we fly from Singapore to Malaysia.

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