Chapter 55

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I am looking at myself in the mirror, while Daniel is standing next to me, doing his hair. We are going to the post race celebration in a moment and we're still getting ready.

On Daniel's request, I am wearing a black dress, along with black heels as well. My hair is slightly curled, while my make-up is a bit more dramatic than usual.

Daniel is wearing black jeans, a black shirt and a plaid blouse, his sleeves rolled up until his elbows. He is putting some gel in his hair, to style it to perfection.

"Just want to stay that you look very sexy and I can't wait to take that dress off of you" Daniel grins at me while he says that, making me blush scarlet red.

"I also love it how you still blush whenever I compliment you" he says, washing the gel off of his hands. I take a step back, not wanting my dress to get wet. Daniel turns to me after drying his hands, putting them on my hips, pulling me towards him.

"I love you"

"I love you too, Daniel" I press my lips against his briefly, before pulling away and collecting all my stuff.

"Let's go, we don't want to be too late and get people suspicious"

"I don't care about people getting suspicious" Daniel says as he walks closer to me again. I just shake my head and giggle softly.

"Come on, Dan. You're the man of the hour. Besides, imagine the amount of alcohol you could've already had in your system" this gets Daniel going. He grabs his own phone and wallet, smiling widely at me.

"Let's go, my lady" he holds out his hand and I grab it, smiling widely at him. We make our way down and walk through the streets of Sepang. There is a club close to the hotel, which is good because Daniel will be drunk off his ass when we go back tonight.

"I'm so excited, though!" Daniel says. Every party we've been to this year, he had to see other drivers getting praised for their win. Mostly Lewis and Nico, but even Max. Now it's his time.

"I'll make sure to take lots of pictures" I tell Daniel. He grins and nods. We arrive at the venue and Daniel and I walk in. A lot of people are already there, drivers, girlfriends or wifes and team members.

"Dan! Si!" Max pulls us towards the bar, where we immediately get handed a shot. Daniel and I both drink it, greeting Max afterwards.

"There he is!" Jenson shouts, as he puts his hands on Daniel's shoulder. I smile at the way Daniel is looking, extremely happy and excited.

"Congrats buddy!" Jenson says and gives Daniel a hug. Because Daniel wanted to leave the track soon, drivers other than Max and Nico didn't get to congratulate Daniel.

"Thanks, Jens!" Daniel replies to the Brit, who he is going to miss next year.

"Let's get you something strong" Jenson says, turning to the bartender.

"Sienna!" I turn around and see Brittny, Jenson's girlfriend, making her way over to me. She gives me a tight hug, making me smile.

"I should congratulate you as well!" she tells me, while she has a huge smile on her face. When Daniel notices her, she gives him a big hug as well. Daniel then hands me a cocktail and I smile gratefully at him.

"Daniel! Congrats man!" Lewis comes out of nowhere, congratulating Daniel. Although Lewis didn't even finish the race, he seems happy for Daniel. Daniel hugs the 2 time world champion for Mercedes.

"Thanks man! I'm sorry for you, though" Daniel says, frowning ever so slightly.

"Ah don't be man. You deserve a win this year!" that gets Daniel smiling again as well. Daniel hands Lewis a beer, which he gladly takes. He gives me a kiss on my cheek, before walking off.

After several other drivers come and talk to Daniel, I've had enough. I walk towards Daniel, who is on his 6th beer, and take his hand, pulling him with me.

"I want to dance!" I yell at him. Daniel just smirks, putting his arms around me, hands resting on my butt. I put my arms around Daniel's neck, as we start moving along to the beat of the music.

"Have I told you how proud of you I am?" I ask Daniel, feeling slightly tipsy as well. Daniel shakes his head with a grin, knowing damn well that I did.

"Well, I'm extremely proud of you" I tell him. Daniel just leans in to kiss me, pulling me even closer to him.

"Fuck, I love you so much, Sienna" he says, his accent even more noticable due to the amount of alcohol. Before I can say anything back, Daniel gets pulled away from me.

"Drivers wanna dance!" Jenson just yells, pulling Daniel with him. A big group of drivers are all dancing and drinking together. I spot Max, Carlos and Nico R as well, along with a few more. I sigh and look around, spotting the girls.

I make my way over to Evy and Vivian, who are dancing together. They smile when they see me.

"Did they kidnap Daniel?" Vivian asks me, a giggle escaping her lips. I just sigh and nod. Evy and Vivian grab my hand, making me dance along with them.

"How was it coming into the hotelroom after him winning?" Evy asks me with a wide grin on her face. I just feel myself blushing, making Evy and Vivian giggle.

"Why is Sienna blushing?" Brittny asks as she approaches us. Vivian starts smirking, but stays silent, but I know that won't be the case with Evy.

"Because Sienna and Daniel had sex before they came here and it wouldn't surprise me if it was more than once" Evy tells Brittny with a smirk. My eyes widen a bit and I blush even more. I try looking down but they already saw it.

"It was more than once!" Brittny yells. The three girls giggle and I just sigh.

"Well, you know Daniel, quite demanding. And when he won a race and drank out of a shoe, it only gets worse" I say, giggling myself now. Evy just grabs my hand and pulls me with her closer to the guys onto the dancefloor.

"Let's give them a show!" she tells me, a grin on her face. I know what she means and it's a good thing I've had soms cocktails before, because I normally wouldn't agree to it.

But Evy grabs ahold of my waist, pulling me close to her. I can feel Daniel's eyes on us and Carlos is probably looking as well. I just grin at Evy and put an arm around her neck.

Evy and I just dance rather closely together, almost touching bodies, while the guys are all watching.

"I don't know if it's working!" Evy yells at me, over the loud music. I quickly glance their way and see Daniel and Carlos just standing there, watching us. I quickly look away again and grin at Evy.

"Oh it worked" she just giggles and lays her head on my shoulder.

Daniel's pov

I can't take my eyes away from Sienna, dancing so closely with Evy. If this was a guy, I would've hit him, hard. But now that it's Evy, it looks pretty hot.

"Dude, are you seeing that?" Carlos asks me, nudging me in the ribs as well. His Spanish accent is even more present in his voice than usual.

"I do, I do see it" I reply. I can see the grin on Sienna's face and it makes me want to take her home right away. I look around them, seeing several people, mostly guys, looking at them. I can see both Evy and Sienna slightly looking to us before looking at each other, grinning. Before I know it, their lips are on each other's for just a few seconds.

"Right, that's it" I mumble and walk towards her. I take her out of Evy's arms and before she can say anything, I press my lips against hers. She immediately responds, by kissing back and putting her arms around my neck, pulling me closer. I grab ahold of her cheeks with both of my hands, holding her face close to mine.

"Get a room!" one of the drivers yells. I just pull away slightly from Sienna to yell back.

"Oh, we will!" I yell, causing Sienna to blush. To hide, she just kisses me again.


Alright, so this was supposed to be a chapter with several things happening, instead it's just a party all chapter long! I like writing it, so yeah.


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