Chapter 19

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I lean against the door of my appartment, my mind racing. I can not believe that just happened. We finally kissed and he promised to keep haunting me.

"Sienna? Is that you?" I hear Evy's voice. I close my eyes for only a second, trying to press away the memories for a couple of seconds.

"Yes! It's me!" I yell back, opening my eyes again. I walk into the livingroom, seeing Evy on the couch, a big bowl of M&M's in front of her and a glass of wine on the table. A blanket is covering her.

I walk over to her, get under the blanket and lay my head against her.

"How was it?" she asks, her voice small as well. I am debating wether I should tell her or not. She is my best friend, I should tell her.

"It was great" I say, not knowing how I should tell everything.

"You sound absent, what happened?" Evy asks, a smile hearable in her voice. I smile at that as well.

"He kissed me" I mumble. Evy sits up right, making me do the same. Her eyes are a bit wide and now I am afraid of her reaction.

"He did? Tell me everything!" she says, really excited all of a sudden.

"Okay, so we just watched a couple of movies, while he was hugging me from behind. When the movie was over, he asked if I remembered him telling me he would haunt me. He told me that although he hadn't done anything yet, he wanted to. So I told him that I want him to show me that he really wants me and that I won't end up heartbroken. He promised he'd show me, but then said he could show me now, so he kissed me" I explain. I can see everything happening in my mind. It keeps replaying, making me go crazy.

"That is amazing! I really hope he does show you!" Evy says. I smile at her.

"Me too. I keep replaying it in my mind, distract me, please" I beg her, not wanting to go crazy by the end of this night.

"So I start my new job tomorrow. I am excited for it, although I will see you less" she says, pouting.

"We'll survive! I am just happy they are giving you a chance to really show what you can do!" I tell her.

"We will! I am too! So from tomorrow on, you won't see me in your office" Evy says, smiling sadly at me.

"We'll lunch together! And you still live here so we can talk everyday" I say to her. Evy smiles brightly and nods.

"And, I really like Carlos" she mumbles, but I heard.

"I really hope that works out as well! You and him would look great together" I say, meaning it. Evy smiles brighly and lays back down, making me do the same. We watch the rest of the movie together.


I walk towards the group of people forming in the departure hall. I feel Daniel's eyes on me as I arrive. Joelle runs up to me and puts her arms around me.

"It feels like I haven't seen you in ages!" she says to me and I agree. It does feel like that, while in reality, it's only been a couple of days.

"I sadly have to sit next to Daniel, I would've rather sat with you" she says.

"I heard that! You love me, Joelle" I hear Daniel's voice say, as he is talking to Max. Max looks a bit happier than a couple of days ago. I giggle and Joelle rolls her eyes.

Evy then arrives with Christian and we are complete. Joelle walks to Daniel, hooks her arm through his and they start walking. Max makes his way to me and I smile at him.

"How are you?" I ask him and he smiles.

"I'm good, better than the last time I saw you" he answers. I smile back at him.

Haunting - Daniel RicciardoWhere stories live. Discover now