Chapter 45

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The days go by extremely quickly. Daniel and I spend our alone days not doing too much. We went to the Walk of Fame and shopped on Rodeo Drive.

When Daniel's friends came for a week, we spend most days just swimming and having a lot of fun. One of his friends and his girlfriend are coming to the Belgian Grand Prix with us. They'll be staying with us in the UK for 2 days.

We got home late last night, all 4 of us falling asleep shortly after.

I am now in the kitchen making breakfast. Daniel is still asleep, Mike and Jamie as well. Or so I thought.

"Are you making breakfast?" I look up to see Jamie walking towards me, a smile on her face. I smile back at her and nod.

"Yeah, nothing too fancy. Just some pancakes" I tell Jamie. She nods and sits down next to the kitchen.

"Do you two have any work to do today?" Jamie asks me, as I flip some pancakes.

"Daniel only has to train with Stuart, so no real work for him. I do have to swing by the Factory for a couple of hours. I have a meeting with Joelle and the Head of Communications" I tell Jamie. She nods slowly.

"Do you only have a meeting?"

"Well, no. I also have lots of e-mails to answer. Might as well do it at the Factory. If I do it here, I just know I won't be able to finish" I explain. I checked my inbox this morning and had a heart attack.

"Oh, so you're leaving me with Dan and Mike?" she asks, eyebrow raised but a smile on her face.

"If you want, you can come to the Factory" I tell her, making her smile widely.

"That'd be awesome" she says.

"What'd be awesome?" Mike asks as he walks closer to us, awake now as well.

"Sienna is taking me to the Factory, so I won't be left alone with you two" Jamie tells her boyfriend. I just put the pancakes on plates and put them down. Just then, Daniel walks out of our bedroom as well. He walks up to me and kisses my cheek.

"It smells amazing, baby" he tells me, making me blush and smile.

"Thanks" I just reply, not knowing what more to say. We all just sit down to eat.


Jamie and I walk through the hallways. They had allowed her to sit with us in the meeting, as it wasn't that important. We're now going to my office, where she'll be chilling while I work.

I am already feeling exhausted, even thinking about the e-mails.

"What kind of mails do you have to answer?" Jamie asks me.

"Mostly interview requests. Sometimes it are events or sometimes just questions" I answer, opening my office door. I let Jamie go in and she does, taking a seat on the small couch. I turn on my computer and wait, taking out some notes I had on Daniel's schedule for the upcoming weeks.

"By the way, Jocelyn seems nice if she likes you, but if she doesn't, she'll kill you" Jamie says, laughing to herself. Jocelyn is the Head of Communications here in the Factory.

"She sometimes scares me, but she's nice" I say, while logging in on my computer. I open my inbox and sigh heavily.

"What is it?" Jamie asks, taking out a book from her bag.

"125 unanswered e-mails" I simply say. I quickly scan through the subjects, as something catches my eye. I click on the e-mail and read through it, frowning my way through.

Is it true that Max Verstappen and his girlfriend Camilla broke up? I don't know if my information is accurate, but both have deleted pictures from their Social Media accounts.

That is the main question from the mail. I quickly dial Joelle's number.

"Hey girl, what's up?" she asks, sounding very happy. That could only mean one thing, right?

"Hey! Is it true that Max and Camilla have broken up? I got a mail about it" I say, reading the mail again.

"Yeah, they did this morning actually. Max kind of figured something that shocked him. He wants to talk to you later today" Joelle explains. I frown once again, while Jamie now looks at me.

"Tell him that I don't want to talk to him. Anyway, should I answer the mail or send it to you?" I ask Joelle. Jamie frowns at me, making me shake my head at her.

"Oh you can answer it if you don't mind" Joelle says.

"Okay, talk to you later" I say and hang up. I quickly answer the mail, trying to stay as nice as possible.

Good afternoon,

I want to thank you for the e-mail, before putting anything out there. I do want to inform you that I am no longer Mister Verstappen's PR, but mister Ricciardo's.

I can confirm that M. Verstappen is no longer in a relationship. However, he was hoping to keep this as casual as possible, so please, don't make a big deal out of it.

Verstappen will post a statement about it later if he wants too. I hope that you are enough informed.

Kind regards,

Sienna Hudson
Daniel Ricciardo's PR
Red Bull Racing

I sigh and send the mail. One down, a lot more to go.


"Alright, one more and then I'm done" I tell Jamie. She smiles at me and nods.

"That didn't take as long as I thought it would" she says, closing her book, while I answer the 100th interview request off today. A knock on the door makes me look up.

"Come in!" I call, without thinking who it might be. The door opens and I see a familiar face. Max.

"Get out" I say, before he can say anything himself.

"Please, Sienna, let me explain" he says. Jamie looks highly confused, frowning, while looking between us.

"Let you explain what? That you were willing to give up on our friendship for your fake ass girlfriend? Fuck off, Max" I say and go back to my mail.

"I know I fucked up, I know that. I just for once wanted a normal relationship" Max says. I look back up at him and glare.

"A normal relationship? You think that your girlfriend wanting to break off a friendship is normal?" I ask him. Max frowns and looks down.

"I'm so sorry, Sienna" he says. He did learn not to call me Sien or Si anymore.

"I don't care if you're sorry or not. You really hurt me. You put a girl first that you barely knew" I say to him. Max looks back up at me and I can see some tears in his eyes.

"I know. I'm sorry" Max says and turns around, walking out of my office. I sigh and look at Jamie, who's still looking confused.

"Okay, what the hell was that?" she asks. I frown slightly, hoping that I can keep in the tears.

"He was my best friend, until he started dating this girl, who apparently didn't like me very much. She told Max that he had to break off our friendship if he wanted to stay with her and he did" I explain. Jamie's eyes are widening, but she frowns as well.

"I hate those kind of girls" Jamie mumbles. I just nod, trying to keep concentrating on my last e-mail. I can't wait to lay in bed with Daniel later tonight.


So, technically, it's wednesday!
Hope you all liked this chapter!

Next chapter will be posted on Sunday!


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