Chapter 33

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The rest of the week has gone by pretty quickly. I had spent Wednesday with Grace, shopping. Christian had given me the day off, seeing as I had worked hard enough the other days. I think it was because the only thing to do was answering calls. The important ones would be send to my own phone.

Yesterday was Thursday, which meant that we went to the track. Max had done his track walk, I lead him to a fair few interviews and that was about it.

It is now Friday. Today went by pretty quickly. While the guys were on track during FP1 and 2, I had spent time with Joe and Grace. I had shown them around and we had just talked.

After FP2, I had gotten Max to Olav Mol for his usual interview and a couple followed after that. And now I'm in Daniel and my hotel room, answering the 100th email of today.

Daniel walks into the room, his signature wide grin on his face. He walks over to me, puts his arms around me from behind and kisses my head.

"Hey, baby" he says, resting his head on mine. I just chuckle as I send the e-mail I just wrote. I turn around in the chair and smile at him.

"Hi, handsome" I say to him, making him chuckle. He kisses me on my lips, softly.

"We are leaving in 15 minutes" he suddenly says. I frown and look at him. I can't remember anything.

"What?" I just ask, clearly confused. Daniel chuckles again.

"We are going on a date, but don't dress up to much" he says, walking into the bedroom area of the suite we're staying in. I just follow him, seeing him changing his RB shirt for a normal grey one. He turns to look at me.

"What?" he now asks.

"You just keep surprising me. Anyway, is jeans okay?" I ask. Daniel nods, while he moves to the bathroom. I leave my black, skinny jeans on, but I also change my shirt, seeing I was still wearing my Red Bull one. I put on a baby blue tank top and grab a black leather jacket to wear with it.

Daniel comes out of the bathroom, his hair styled and wearing his aftershave. The one that I love so much.

I quickly brush through my hair, smiling at the waves in it. I apply some more mascara, but leave it at that. I walk back out of the bathroom and see Daniel now on his phone. He is smiling.

"Why are you smiling like an idiot at your phone?" I ask him, standing in front of him.

"Oh, nothing. Just read that everything is ready. Come on" I just grab Daniel's hand, as he laces his fingers with mine.


We arrive at the Silverstone track. Daniel leads me through the paddock, making me smile.

"You seriously have something with tracks and dates" I mumble. Daniel just smiles, not saying anything. He pulls me into his side of the garage, which makes me frown. He turns on the lights. His car is just sitting there, completely build up. Another reason to frown.

"They always take your car apart, right?" I ask Daniel. He just nods and turns to me.

"Normally, they do. I just asked them not too" Daniel simply says, leading me towards his car. I never really get the chance to see it this up close.

"But, why are we here, exactly?" I ask, still very confused. This is where Daniel starts grinning like an idiot. He just pulls me closer, as I now stand directly next to the cockpit of his car.

"You're going to sit in the car" Daniel says, making my eyes widen.

A couple of days ago, I had admitted to Daniel that I've always wanted to drive in a Formula 1 car. Obviously, that is not possible, as I'm not allowed nor trained for it. But I can't believe that he remembered. And actually listened.

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