Chapter 44

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The first, full day in Los Angeles. I open my eyes to be completely blinded by the sunlight. After our session last night, Daniel and I fell asleep. I guess that we forgot to close the blinds.

I look to my right, to find the bed empty. Only then, I smell bacon. I get a bright smile on my face. I throw the covers off of my naked body. I quickly put on my panties and Dan's shirt. I put my hair up in a high ponytail, before making my way to the kitchen.

Daniel is standing there, softly humming along with his music. I want to add that he is shirtless, making me even happier.

"Good morning" I say, making him look up. He smiles widely at me.

"Good morning, baby" he says. I walk over to him, leaning against the kitchen counter. Daniel turns around, grabbing my arm and pulls me towards him. His arm moves around my waist, holding me close to him.

"How did you sleep?" Daniel asks, as he flips the pancakes he's making.

"Really well. You?" I ask him back.

"After the best sex we've ever had? Amazing" Daniel says, making me blush. He is right though, it was amazing. He wore me out though, I was exhausted.

"What are we doing today?" I ask Daniel, as I pour us some juice.

"I thought we could go to a tattoo shop for you, let someone design the tattoo. It could heal before we have got to get back to work" Daniel suggest. I suddenly feel nervous, but excited.

"Yeah, I like that!" I tell Daniel. He smiles and puts the food on plates. We sit down and start eating, as I start thinking about my tattoo.


"God, I love this weather" Daniel says as we walk through the streets, sunglasses on. I nod in agreement. Sure, it's summer in Europe as well, but we haven't had the best of weather. It rained at Silverstone, in Hungary and Germany was okay.

"I want this weather the entire year" I say, making Daniel chuckle. Us being from Australia doesn't help either. And although I've lived in the UK for a couple of years now, I still miss the warmth.

"So are you sure about the spot you want your tattoo?" Daniel asks. I nod, finally knowing where I want it for 100% sure.

"The side of my arm, like between my wrist and elbow" I tell Daniel. He smiles widely, nodding.

"I might get a new tattoo as well, not sure yet" Daniel says, frowning to himself.

"What do you want?" I ask him, as we turn a corner towards the tattoo shop.

"Not telling you. If I get it, it'll be a surprise" Daniel says, making me pout.

"That's not fair" I say, making Daniel laugh.

"Right, I'll get it and then you can see" he says. My eyes widen, but it makes me smile as well.


A little while later, my tattoo is done. It hurt like hell, but I'm glad I did it. On my arm is now RBR3. Daniel is somewhere in the shop getting his tattoo and I still don't know what it is.

I take a seat, waiting for him to be ready. It doesn't take long, so it can't be a big tattoo. He is smiling widely. He pays for both tattoo's, which annoys me.

"Can I now see what you got?" I ask Daniel, as we walk back onto the streets.

"At home, okay?" Daniel says, meaning he wants to go back home. I guess we will have a chilled day then, maybe some game playing. Or knowing Daniel, something else.

"My parents asked if we could facetime with them, if you don't mind" Daniel says. We finally arrive back at the street and I smile.

"Off course, you know I love your parents" I tell Daniel, as he opens the door. I know his tattoo is on his leg, probably next to his others.

"Can I finally see it now?" I ask him, getting frustrated. I'm way too curious for my own good. Daniel just chuckles and nods. He pushes his jeans down, until his tattoo's are visable. Like I expected, it's with his others. But I didn't expect what it is.

Under all his other tattoo's, in curvy letters is something that will remind him of me.

I'm Begging You To Keep Haunting

That's what he got.

"Dan" I mumble, staring at it. Daniel smiles widely.

"I thought that your intentions for your tattoo were amazing, so I wanted to do the same. It was the start of us, so I thought it was perfect" Daniel explains.

"Dan, I love it, so much" I tell Daniel. He pulls me to him and presses his lips against mine.

"And I love you" he says.

"I love you, too" I tell him. Daniel smiles widely and puts his jeans back up. He grabs his laptop and calls him mum. Her face appears only seconds later, a huge smile on her face.

"Dany! Sien!" she calls out. I do love her.

"Hi mum, where's dad?" Daniel asks his mother.

"On the toilet. He'll be here in a second" Grace says, making Daniel and me laugh. Grace just doesn't know where to look.

"Ah! There they are! How are you guys?" Joe asks as he joins his wife.

"We're great, dad! What about you guys?" Daniel answers. Grace then frowns.

"I miss you" she says, making both Daniel and I frown as well.

"I miss you too" Daniel replies, looking down. I grab his hand and smile at him. I then get an idea, but I can't have Daniel knowing that idea.

Just then, his phone rings. He excuses himself and walks away. I hear him say the name Christian, so I know he'll be busy talking.

"I want you guys to come here, but without Daniel knowing. Do you want that?" I ask Daniel's parents. Grace's eyes light up, but Joe puts an arm on her shoulder.

"Look, Sienna. That is amazing and really sweet, but Daniel and you finally have time off. You deserve some alone time. We'll see you guys when you're closer to Australia with races" Joe says. Grace frowns slightly but nods.

"Yeah, Joe's right. It is really sweet, Sien" Grace says. I smile sadly and nod.

"I just hate that you have to miss Daniel" I tell them. Daniel comes walking back with a small smile.

"We got tattoo's" Daniel suddenly says.

"Another, Dany?" Grace asks Daniel and I giggle.

"What did you get, Sienna?" Joe asks me. I start smiling widely as I lift up my arm for them to see.

"RBR for Red Bull Racing and 3, well, for Daniel" I explain. Grace and Joe smiles widely as well, nodding at my explanation.

"And Dan?" Joe asks.

"Well, for mine, the explanation is a bit longer. I got a quote, made by Sienna. When she got to Red Bull and after breaking up with Maya, I was down. She told me something that made me raise my game. It made me realize that she was it, the one that I wanted. It made me realize that I could do anything. I got my first pole after she said it. So I got that" Daniel explains and smiles at me.

"What is it?" Grace asks, as curious as I was.

"I'm Begging You To Keep Haunting" Daniel says.

"That is beautiful" Grace says. We keep talking a bit, but I can't help but feel extremely lucky, to have Daniel. The fact that he chose to be with me, it makes me extremely gratefull and happy.


Hey guys!
Hope you loved this chapter!
I will try to post chapters twice a week. For Haunting, I'll try to post on Sunday and Wednesday! Maybe, if I feel inspired, I'll post extra!

Thank you all for the amazing support this story is getting!
Question though; do you all like the way this story is going, or do you want more drama?


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