Chapter 3

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As Tobias and I get closer towards the chasm, I stop. Tobias turns towards me, my body frozen, and fear in my eyes. I remember the time that Peter hung me over the chasm and beat me up, and remember Al who stood a few yards away from where I am, preparing to pitch himself over the railing. I shudder, and chills go through my body.

Tobias pulls me away into the nearest hallway. He takes my face into his hands, and positions me face to look up at him. I look into his dark blue eyes, which have strength in them.

"Hey." he says. "It's okay."

I nod.

"Really, it is. What are you afraid of?" He says. His hands slid down my face and are now on my shoulders.

"I just... I still remember the time with Peter, and how Al was..." I say. Tears well up in my eyes and I bite my lip. I bury my face in my hands. He grabs me and wraps his arms around me. I wrap my arms around his waist.

"It's okay, you know. You can be afraid." he says.

I pull back and look up at him. "I actually can't. I can't just be afraid. I don't know how to deal with this." I say. "Bad memories happened here."

"I know, but you have to control that. Whenever you're near the chasm, just fill you're mind with a good memory. Remember when I did this near the chasm?" He says, and puts his hands on my face and pulls mine to his. He kisses me softly, but for a long time. Time instantly feels infinite.

I remember the first time he kissed me. It was near the chasm, right after he told me his deepest secrets. I wrap my arms around him and kiss him back. Our eyes open, and I stare into his dark blue eyes. When we pull away, he smiles at me.

"Good memory?" he says, raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah, I think so." I say, still a little nervous to be near the chasm.

"Come on, I think they're about to start." He says. He grabs my hand, and I take a deep breath.

"Okay?" he says.

I nod. We walk slowly toward the chasm. I spot Uriah, Marlene, and Lynn from a distance. I pull Tobias to the side.

"Are we going to let people know about us?" I say.

"Umm. I think we should. Do you?"

"Not right now. I don't think I'll be able to explain a relationship right now. I had to tell Christina because she saw you and I kiss. But now, I'm just not in the mood." I say.

"Alright. I'll be ready when you're ready." He says, he smiles.

We still walk together, just not holding hands. Once we get to the group of new members, he goes one way, and I head toward Uriah, Marlene and Lynn.

"Hey!" Uriah says when I get to him. "We were just discussing jobs. What are you picking?" he asks.

"I want to work as a tattoo artist. I think it'll be fun. How about you guys?" I say.

"I wanna work in the control room, Marlene wants to do security with Lauren, and Lynn wants to go to the fence." Uriah says.

"Nice." I say. Eric starts to quiet everyone down, so I step into the line, next to Uriah, based on the ranks, and stand still.

"Good morning." Eric starts, "As you all know, in their first acts as members, the new members will choose their jobs. Starting with our first rank, they will say what job they would like to be, and it will be noted. Let's begin. Tris, you're up."

"Tattoo artist," I say, smiling.

I find Tobias in the crowd and stare at him. After a while, he finds my eyes and smiles lightly.

I don't have to worry about Peter being around me. After almost killing me, he was sent to work at the fence. That meant Will stays, and Christina got to stay too, since Lynn wanted to work at the fence as well.

I check my watch. 9:00. It only took a short ten minutes to get all the initiates their jobs.

When the last Dauntless-born finishes, Eris speaks up.

"Now, as members, our members will get new apartments. Members," and he turns to us, still a cold smile in his face, "You will return to the dormitory and gather your things. I will meet you there and assign you your apartments."

With that we go back to the dormitory. My new life is already off to a great start.

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