Chapter 41

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I love this chapter. And I'm so upset right now. So I finished watching the secret life of the american teenager and the ending is just. I can't. It's like happy and sad and good and bad and I JUST WANNA LAUGH AND CRY AT THE SAME TIME. Go watch it. It's really good doe. AND THANKS FOR THE READS LOVE YOU ALL <3

Tobias POV

Tris lies on the table as we wait for the doctor.

"It's fine," I say, kissing her hand. It trembles softly.

"What if he or she is sick, or something bad?" She asks. 

"Everything will be fine. I promise, and I'm always here." I kiss her hand one last time. The doctor comes in.

"Hi, I'm Kathy. Tris, I'll be doing your ultrasound and later delivering your baby." She says.

"Okay," Tris stutters.

"Nervous?" Kathy asks.

"Kinda," Tris replies. I grip her hand.

"Today, all we're going to do is check on the baby. Do you want to know the gender?"

"Yes," We reply in unison.

"Alright, well can you lift your shirt?" Kathy asks. Tris lifts her shirt revealing her small bump.

"This will be cold, just hang on." Kathy says. She squirts gel onto Tris's stomach.

"Now, with this, we can see the baby." Kathy says, showing us a stick like thing. She turns on a machine and rubs the stick on Tris's stomach. A small baby appears on the screen. Tears well up in Tris's eyes. I kiss her forehead.

"Here is the head, and here are the genitals... You're having a girl!" Kathy announces. Tris's eyes tear and she looks at me, smiling. I can't help smiling either.

"Tobias," She breathes. I kiss her softly, afraid she'll shatter.

"Congratulations," Kathy says. I take a deep breath. Tris and I will have a daughter.


Tris and I are walking down to the cafeteria to tell everyone. Once we get there, we look stupid, smiling like idiots.

"Well, it seems like Four and Tris are happy," Marlene says.

"We found out the baby's gender," I say. Christina's head snaps towards us.

"Well?" SHe says. I squeeze Tris's hand.

"It's a girl." Tris says.

"YES!" Christina shouts. The whole cafeteria looks our way.

"Sorry," She says. The two of them hug.

"Hey, delicate package here," I say. They both laugh.

"OMG Tris, our kids will be like best friends and they'll share clothes and-" Christina starts.

"Calm down, I know," Tris says, giggling a little bit. I pull her close and wrap my arm around her. She places her small hand on her stomach. Tris has been so happy. I'd hate to see that be wiped away. I kiss her temple, knowing that no matter what, I'll do my best to protect the two of them.

Tris POV 

It's finally Christmas! I'm bigger than ever, for only five months pregnant, and I'm alright.

I roll over on my side and kiss Tobias.

"Wakey wakey, it's Christmas!" I shout.

"Alright," He says. He folds me in his arms, and I never want to leave.

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