Chapter 59

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Tris POV

Tobias and I are curled up together, on the couch. Ellie is in a small sterile crib feet away from us. She;s hooked up to IV and is on a couple of meds. We ate dinner, but not much. I can't stomach anything right now.

"Tris," Tobias says. I don't even look up, we stay in the same spot.

"hmm," I mumble.

"Sleep," He says. I settle my head in his lap with my legs curled on the side. He brushes hair from my face and brushes his fingers along my arm. I fall into a dreamless sleep.


My eyes flutter open to a cry. Ellie.

I sit up immedietly and rush to her crib. Her soft face is red and she's crying. I press the nurse button as Tobias wakes up.

"What's wrong?" He asks, rubbing his eyes. I shrug.

Kathy walks in with something like a needle, but with no needle. Medicine.

"Morning," She says, smiling. "Wanna do it?" She asks. I nod.

"Just slip it in her mouth and press down." She says. I take a deep breath as I slide the medicine shooter into Ellie's mouth. I press down on the plunger and remove it. She wails.

"Diaper change," Kathy says.

"I'll do it," Tobias says. Kathy nods.

"You can use your regular stuff," She says. I nod as she leaves the room. Tobias gets diaper stuff and I brush my fingers through Ellie's hair. She cries softly. There's a bruises around where they took blood yesterday.

Tobias lifts Ellie from the crib and carefully moves her to the table, not disturbing the IV. I grab Ellie's duck toy and play with her. She grabs the small duck in her hands and chews on it. I smile.

Tobias finishes and lifts Ellie into his arms. Her head rests on his shoulder as his hand supports her butt. I clean the diaper stuff and watch them.

Tobias moves slowly around the room, with Ellie's IV pole, bouncing a little. He moves a finger over her back, stroking it. Ellie's eyelids get heavier until they close. She drools on his shoulder, but it's cute.

I take a picture of them. It's sweet. I put m phone away and move towards them.

"She's asleep," I say. He nods and hands her to me. I cradle her in my arms as she continues to sleep. Her soft face back to being pale. I rock her slowly in my arms.

Tobias sneaks behind me, wrapping his arms around mine. My back to his chest, slowly moving together. I love this moment.

I place Ellie back in her crib and she stirs a little, then returns to sleeping. I join Tobis back on the couch and lean on him. He wraps his arm around my shoulder as we breathe in sync.


Tobias and I are eating dinner when Chris flies in.

"Tris!" She whisper yells. She rushes over to where we are.

"Is she okay?" She asks. I nod as I stand to hug her.

"She's fine, pnuemonia." I say. She sighs.

"I'm so sorry guys," She says.

"I can stay here tonight if you want," She says. I look at her weird.

"You guys need to sleep in a normal bed, I can change a diaper, and Will can have the kids." She says.

"I don't want to do that to you," I say.

"Please, I want to get out of the house a little," She laughs. I smile.

"Thank you," Tobias says. I hug her as I grab my phone.

"Call me if there's any emergencies," I say. She nods as Tobias and I leave. I stop walking.

"What's wrong?" Tobias asks. I smile.

"Can I have a piggy back ride?" I ask. He chuckles as he bends down, allowing me to jump on his back.

"You owe me," He says. I chuckle as we make our way to the apartment.


I lie in bed, wearing one of Tobias's shirts and underwear, waiting for Tobias. Soon, he comes in shirtless with flanel pants on. I stare.

"Like what you see?" He asks. I chuckle.

"I swear, I fall in love with you every single day." I say. He slides in next to me and kisses he, slow and soft.

"And I fall in love with you over and over again." He says. I smile, then frown.

"Something on your mind?" He asks. I sigh.

"Tobias, I know Ellie's going to be okay, but I'm just so scared." I say. Tobias wraps my in his arms as I bury my face in his shirt.

"She'll be fine, I promise you." He says. I nod. Tobias and I pull away and stare into eachother's eyes. His eyes are so irresistably blue it's like they're sucking me in.

"Sleep, I'll fight off the bad dreams if they come." He says.

"With what?" I chuckle.

"My bare hands, obviously." He says. I smile as we lay, inches apart. My hand on his chest, his hand on my hip, our breaths mixing. I close my eyes, never wanting this moment to end.

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