Chapter 45

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**IMPORTANT: I edited chapters 36-37 because the girl who claimed to have tobias's kid's name was Taylor and I wanted to change it. LOL. EASTER PRESENT HAPPY EASTER!!!

Tris POV

We think for a moment. The name we give her is the name she gets for the rest of her life.

"OMG TRIS SHE'S ADORABLE." Christina whisper yells as she walks in the room with Dani, who is now 2.

"Thanks Chris," I say back. She comes to my side.

"Tris, she's adorable," She says, again.

"Thanks," I reply. Will walks in the room with a small stuffed bear, similar to the one I got for Dani.

"Congrats," He says, walking in the door.

"Thanks," I reply. Shauna, Marlene, and Lynn walk in next. Mar and Shauna stare in awe at the baby.

"Oh my, she's beautiful," Shauna says.

"And adorable," Marlene adds.

"Yeah, she's cute," Lynn says.

"Thanks guys." I say. Uriah and Zeke follow in.

"Hey there big daddy," Zeke says, fist bumping Tobias. Uriah does the same.

"And little mommy," He says to me. I smile.

"Cute kid," Zeke says.

"Any name yet?" Uriah asks. I shake my head.

"We have a list, but no name yet." Tobias replies.

"Baby," Dani says. I laugh.

"Let me see," Christina says. Tobias hands Christina the list.

"Hmm," She says. "All good names, but I'm not one to choose, you pansycakes do that yourself."

"See, it does catch on!" Uriah says. Zeke elbows him.

"Look guys, I'll let you hold her sometime this week, just, right now I'm tired." I say.

"Alright, feel better," Shauna says. Shauna, Lynn and Marlene leave chocolate bars on the table and leave the room. Uriah and Zeke leave a pink balloon that says 'IT'S A GIRL!' on it. And I have the bear Chris got me. I love my friends.

"Nice visit huh," Tobias says.

"Yeah." I reply. He kisses my forehead.

"You're the best Tris," He says.

"And you too are the best." I reply with a smile. I hear a small knock on the door.

"Can grandparents come in?" My mom asks. I laugh as she walks in with a large basket filled with things. She places it on the table with the other stuff.

"Mom, you didn't have to do this," I say.

"Oh, but I wanted to," She says. Always an abnegation.

"Where's my granddaughter?" My dad says, walking into the room with Noah, who will be three in August.

 "Oh Beatrice, She's beautiful," He says, looking at the small sleeping baby in my arms.

"Thanks dad," I reply.

"Have you chosen a name?" My mother asks. I shake my head.

"We have a list," Tobias says, handing my mother the list.

"Toby, can you take her?" I ask. Tobias scoops the baby in his arms and rocks her slowly. I sit up in bed.

"Oh Beatrice, these names are beautiful. I'm sure whichever one you choose will suit her fine." My father says.

"Whos baby is dat?" Noah asks.

"That's your sister's baby." My dad says.

"Trissy?" He asks, in his adorable three year old voice.

"Yeah buddy this is your niece," I say. He tilts his head.


"Neece," I accentuate. He laughs.

"Neece," He says. I laugh.

"We didn't plan on staying long, it's late and Noah has to get to bed," My mother says, checking her watch. It's 7:30pm.

"Okay." I say. Just then, Caleb and some girl walk in.

"Hi Tris, is it okay if Cara comes in?" He asks. Cara...

"Cara, as in Will's sister?" I ask.

"Yeah, I remember you," She says.

"Nice to see you again," I say, only meaning half of it. I mean she is my friends sister, and I think my brother's girlfriend, but I remember visiting day.

"You too, congratulations," She says.

"Thanks. Caleb, it was nice of you to come," I say.

"Of course, I'm sure you're tired and all, we just wanted to give you these," He says, handing me a bouquet of flowers.

"Thank you guys," I say.

"Anytime, we're gonna get going, but we'll stay in touch, and once you're all settled, maybe we can come over,"

"Anytime, I'll call you," I say.

"Bye mom, dad, Noah, Four, and Tris, see you soon." He says.

"Nice meeting you all," Cara says. They leave the room.

"We'll get going too. Call us please, good luck," My mother says, kissing my cheek.

"Congrats," My father says, kissing my forehead and taking Noah by the hand out the door. Once they're gone, I flop back.

"I can take her," I say to Tobias, who is still holding the baby.

"I'm alright." He says. He sits on the bed next to me. I lie on my side, looking at the small bundle.

"Ready to choose?" He asks. I nod.


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