Chapter 53

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Hola my friends. New chapter. :) AND LOL back in chapter 20, i was reading all your wonderful comments, and I realized i named the waiter miles? yeah, I didn't even think of Miles Teller XD lol laughing so hard right now.

Tris POV

I've never been more bored in my life. I have to entertain myself and Ellie, who likes to play with me. I have nothing. I used my socks, her socks, tickled her, peek-a-boo, everything. I'm out of options.

I have no phone, no form of communication, and no energy. All i've gotten to eat was cereal, and I have to feed Ellie. I'm dead ass tired.

I haven't been tortured much, maybe four times so far. I wish Tobias knew where I was.

Tobias POV

We jump the train near abnegation. I haven't told them Marcus is my father, they just know I know him. Wish I didn't.

"I'm going to try to look inside a window first," I say. Everyone nods and stands back as I creep up the side of the house. I peek through a small window, no Tris. I shuffle to another window-my bedroom window- no Tris. I find the last window and look inside.

I see Tris.

Right then, the door opens and Molly walks in. I listen to their conversation.

"God damnit Tris, where is Four?!" She yells.

"How should I know?" Tris says.

"He better be coming soon. I have better things to do,"

"I'm suprised myself. He could've used his jerk tracker and led him right here," Tris says. I watch as Molly swings a hard hit at Tris's face, causing Tris to fall down.

Get back up, elbows, knees, I think. She just lies on the ground, defenseless. Ellie starts to cry and Tris inches her way to Ellie. She holds Ellie in her delicate arms. Watching them suffer makes me tear.

I make my way behind a bunch of bushes to the group.

"So?" Uriah asks.

"They're there," I reply.

"Let's go then!" Marlene says. Zeke holds her back down.

"We can't just go. We need a plan," Lynn says.

"Right. Four?" Will asks. I ponder for a minute.

"They're in a room with a window. The window's too small to fit through. We have to go through the front door, but there's three of them. Marcus, Molly, and Drew." I say.

"Ew, Molly and Drew?" Will says.

"I hate them," Marlene says.

"Jerk faces," Lynn says.

"I know. So, I say we sneak through the front door, take them out as they come, and get Tris and Ellie." I say.

"Okay," Zeke says. Everyone nods in agreement.

"Alright, let's go," I say. I lead everyone to the front door and crouch down. I try the knob and it's locked.

"Dammit," Zeke says.

"What now?" Uriah asks. Just then, the door flies open, revealing Marcus.

"Ah, son, glad you came," He says, yanking me inside, along with Zeke, Uriah, Marlene, and Will. We're put out by some gas, and then there's all black.

Lynn POV

I hear the door slam shut then quiet. I jumped behind a bush before the door opened. Guess I have to save these airheads.

I creep around the side of the house to the window Four looked in. I find Will, Mar, Uri, Zeke, and Four shoved inside along with Tris and Ellie. Tris is asleep too, along with Ellie.

They're all tied up. Crap. Eventually, Uriah's eyes open groggily, along with Marlene's. Uriah's eyes catch mine.

I put my finger to my mouth, signaling him to keep quiet. He nods slightly. I pull out my phone and point to it. He nods and fiddles to get it from his pocket.

Once it gets out, Drew bursts in the door. Uriah tries to sit on it, but fails. This will be hard.

Tris POV

"Idiot," Drew says. He picks up the phone and reads the text aloud to everyone.

"Get the ropes untied," He announces. He looks around the room, yet notices no one. Marcus comes inside and grabs the phone from Drew. He reads the text and immedietly looks to the window, yet no one's there.

I find Tobias across the room and look to him. My eyes tear and he nods. Marcus rushes out the door and stomps down the hallway.

Lynn POV

I hear footsteps outside. I run around to the other side and slip inside the front door, locking it behind me. I head up the short flight of stairs and shoot Molly in the knee. She collapses on the ground.

"What?" Drew shouts. He attempts to punch me, but I block it and swing at him hard. He grabs my wrist and snaps it. Excruciating pain spreads through my arm as I collapse on the ground. Uriah runs behind Drew and punches him in the face, knocking him out.

"You okay?" He asks. I nod as I stand with his help. I try to suppress the tears as hard as I can.

"It's okay to cry," He says. I let a few tears out, but crying is not my thing.

We head inside and Uriah unties everyone's ropes. As soon as Marlene is untied, she rushes to me, wrapping her hand around my wrist.

"Keep it this way," She says. I nod as she places a blanket around it, securing it for now.

Tobias POV

Once Uriah unties me, I rush to Tris. She's pale and skinny, with bruises on her small body. She's barely awake.

"Tris, stay with me," I say. She opens her eyes.

"Okay," She croaks. I lift her head and sit her up against the wall as a steaming Marcus bursts through the door.

"Son," He says.

"I'm not your son," I say.

"but you are. And this is for your own good," He says, gesturing to the room.

"No, it's not," I say walking to him. It only takes one punch to the face to knock him to the ground.

"This is for your own good," I say, punching him square in the nose. He doesn't move.

"To-" Tris croaks. I rush to her and lift her up.

"Zeke, Ellie," I say. He nods and lifts up Ellie, she's still sleeping.

"Go, now," I say. Everyone runs to the train tracks as I run with a limp Tris in my arms.

"It's okay, it's all okay," I say. Hopefully it all will be.

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