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I am going to warn you in advance that this story may be updated slowly because I am in 3rd year (or eight grade, where ever you are from) so I will be busy this coming year. On top of that I do other activities so Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday will most likely not have a chapter.

I will not be updating from next week because I have my mocks near the end of January early Febrary. March will also be a bit on the edge because I have my cookery and music exam.

When it gets nearer to June, probably the full month of May, I will not be able to do this book so it will be put on hold.

Please don't hate me but if you don't like this than don't read this book because it is going to be like this till after June or 2018.

I will tell you when I am not going to be uploading.

With this being said I hope everyone had a very happy Christmas ( or whatever holiday it is that you celebrate) and I hope that you have a happy and save new year.

Youngest MatthewWhere stories live. Discover now