Chapter 47

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Rachel POV:

"You ready?" Lucas smiled at me

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"You ready?" Lucas smiled at me.

I got up and grabbed his hand. He lead me out of my room and out of the apartment. No one was home so there was no bragging or giving out or anything. We made our way down the road until we came to Topangas. before we went in, Lucas stepped in front of me and grabbed my two hands in his.

"You know I love you right?"
"Yea." I nodded, laughing slightly.

He opened the door for me and I walked in. I turned to where we normally sit and seen it surrounded by candles and rose petals scattered over the table. i turned to Lucas.

I gasped when I seen Lucas down on one knee with a box. Everyone went quiet and watched.
"Rachel Matthews, Love does not consist of gazing at each other, but in looking together in the same direction.If a day goes by where I can't see your face or feel our hearts in a close embrace,I would embark on a worldwide chase And marry you so we were in the same place.Here I am on bended knee,For years this scene I tried to flee then I met you and it was clear to me To be complete you must marry me.I thought I had a pretty good life,Plenty of friends, and lots of stuff.Then I met you, and saw the strife of being alone—it's kind of rough.Make me better—be my wife.I'm really sweet, it's my act that's tough.I ask you to take a journey with me To share our lives, build our family tree To live together in harmony I pray you say Yes! as I get down on one knee.The stars in the sky,Match the sparkle in your eye.Love starts with a dance,Then blooms into romance.If two become one,It's a lot more fun.Will you do me the greatest honor of  becoming  Misses friar?"
I placed my hand over my mouth as tears fell down my cheek.
"Yes! Yes I will become misses Friar." I cried in joy.
Everyone clapped as Lucas got off the ground. he slid the ring on my finger and brought me into a kiss. 

"I love you fiance

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"I love you fiance." I whispered into Lucas chest.
"I love you too, my bluebonnet." He pecked me on the lips.

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