Chapter 13

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Rachel POV:

"Wake up Rachel. We are leaving in an hour." Cory shouted to me.
"I'm up."
There was a knock on the door.
"Eric and Josh are here."

I walked to my wardrobe and got my outfit for the day. Today we were going to the funfair, what we were going to do last week.

 Today we were going to the funfair, what we were going to do last week

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I ran to the kitchen and sat on the couch beside Auggie.
"Morning." Auggie replied.
"Auggie, Rachel, breakfast." Topanga said.
"What is it?" I asked I  was sitting by myself.
"No thanks."
"I wasn't asking."
I glared at her while I sat at the table.

"Morning Rach" Josh said.
"Morning Josh" I said braking the glaring competition me and Topanga were having.
"Ready for today." 
"Josh, Rach, we're leaving" Cory shouted from the doorway.
"No need to shout, I'm only, like, 5 centimetres away from you"

I said bye to everyone and went to Corys car. Half an hour later we were there. We went on all the rides. We were now sitting down eating.

"Thanks for today." I said.
"Your welcome." They said.
"How's school?" Eric asked.
"Good." I sighed.
"What's up?" Josh asked.
"Missy is back this week. What if she comes back and makes my life miserable again." I cried.
"He, hey, hey. She won't. I'll be there if she does. Besides, if she does then she's expelled straight away. Just come to me if she says something to you and I'll sort it out, Ok?" Cory said as he side hugged me.
"Ok." I smiled.
"There's the smile we all love. Never lose that smile." Eric said.

We went on more rides and at 6 p.m. we went home.

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