Chapter 27

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Rachel POV:

I woke up and walked over to my bag. I changed clothes and walked down to meet the others.

 I changed clothes and walked down to meet the others

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Today was the last day before we went back to school. We could do anything we wanted. I am meeting with Zay, Farkle, Maya, Riley and Lucas at the lounge and we are going to go for a hike. I bumped into someone and looked up, Lucas. He held his hand out and I grabbed it.

"You okay" He asked, pulling me up.
" Yea" I said, 
"Let's go meet the others" 

We walked down the stairs and walked to the door where the others were. 

"Ready for a long hike" Maya said fake cheerfully.
"Oh yeah, I'm so looking forward to getting sore feet." I sarcastically said. 
Everyone laughed.
"Well, let's go." Zay said and started walking with the guys

I was walking and talking with the girls when I thought of something.

"Want to do something funny and less walking"
"Yea." Maya shrugged
"Ok" Riley said.
"When I count to three we jump on the boys backs" I whispered to them.
They nodded their heads.
"One, two, three" 

We ran to the boys and jumped on their backs causing them to stumble and grab us before we fell. Riley and Maya obviously jumped on Farkle and Zay while I jumped on Lucas. 

"This was your idea, wasn't it" He asked.
"Your crazy, you know that"
"Been told many times"
He laughed.
"It's not funny. By the way, I twisted my ankle while running."
"Oh no. What in the world are going to do?" Lucas asked sarcastically.
"Well, you could carry me" 
He laughed but carried me anyway.

For the rest of the hike the boys carried us girls on their back. Half an hour later we got back to the lodge. When we walked threw the door (Well the boys, us girls were still on their back) we came face to face with none other then my brothers and Shawn. They ran over to us, followed by Topanga and Katie.

"What happened to them? Why are you carrying her?" The lads asked all the guys then Lucas.
"Noting." Farkle said as he put Riley down.
"Yea, one minute we were talking the next the girls jumped on our backs" Zay said as he put Maya down.
"Lucas, put Rachel down" Eric said.

He put me down. I limped over to the window seat and put my foot up. My brothers came over to me. Eric took off my shoe and sock and examined my foot.

"What did you do?" Eric asked.
"Well, you see. While I was running to jump on Lucas" I pointed at him," I hurt my ankle."
"You're lucky you sprained it. It should be fine by tomorrow as long as you don't walk on it"
"WHAT!! How am I supposed to get around then" I exclaimed.
"I can help" Lucas suggested.

"No!!!!" My brothers and Shawn shouted turning to Lucas.
He put his hands up in surrender and stepped back. They turned back to me.
"You can sit there and if you want to move just call one of us" Cory explained.
"I'll be with Lucas so why can't he just help. "
"Why  would you be with him" Josh asked.
"Because we are hanging out with Riley, Maya, Zay and Farkle" I said 'matter-of- factually'.

The boys stayed quiet.
"Ok fine, he can help you. Just for today. Tomorrow you should be able to walk" Cory said reluctantly.

They left and Lucas carried me to the couch where we sat and talked with the gang for the rest of the day. Around 10 I started to get tired so I asked Lucas to carry me to the girls room. He brought me up and left. I changed and went straight to bed.

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