christmas special day 16

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Rachel POV:

"No, back to bed you go

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"No, back to bed you go." Cory said rushing to me as I walked to the living room.
"I'm fine Cory."
"Well I don't care. I don't want a repeat of yesterday."
"I collapsed. So? There was no reason for it."
"I don't care. Go on, up to bed."
"Please can I stay in the living room." I gave him the yes.
"Uggh, fine." He sighed.
I smiled and sat down on the couch.

Cory handed me a drink of tea.
He smiled and sat down beside me.
"So how is study?"
"Good. I'm taking a break now."
"Good. You need a break every now and then."
"maybe that's why I collapsed yesterday."
"Maybe" Cory agreed.

I placed my legs on his lap and leaned back on the couch. I sipped on my tea and shortly eye my eyes became heavy. I smiled as Cory kissed my forehead and I fell asleep.

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