Chapter 12

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Rachel POV:

It's been an hour since we arrived at the dance. Lucas and I had been dancing since we came and we were now sitting down. My brothers and Shawn watching us.
"Do your brothers not trust me or something?" Lucas asked.
"They do, they are just protective."
"With what's been going on and that I am also with a boy."
"Oh yea. You ok now?" He asked concerned.
A slow dance came on
"Wanna dance?"

We walked back to the floor. He put his hands on my hips while I put mine around his neck. I leaned my head on his shoulder. My brothers were watching closely.

Eric POV:

We were at the corner of the room watching Rachel and Lucas dance. Rachel put her head on his shoulder as Lucas pulled her closer to him.

"They're a bit close, don't you think." Josh said.
"Yea." I said.
"Should we stop them?" Shawn asked.
"Yes. You get you and Cory get Lucas, me and Josh will get Rachel. Bring them just outside the door and we will remind them of the rules." I said.
We were abut to walk over to them when Katie and Topanga stepped infront of us.
"Where do you think your going?" Katie asked.
"No where." Josh said.
"Cory, marriage promise." Topanga said.
"Sorry guys, when we say that we have to. To stop Lucas from getting any closer to Rachel." Cory said.
"You leave her be. She's happy. Look at her smile. She's enjoying herself. Do you want to be the one to ruin her night, let alone her birthday." Katie said.
We looked over at them. Rachel was laughing at something Lucas said. I love seeing her happy. When she's sad it breaks my heart.
"I suppose not." I said.
The principle came over to Cory.
"Cory,I noticed some fathers coming to pick up their daughters, I was thinking we could do a father daughter dance before the night ends."
"Sure. I'll go announce it now."
"Will I do the honors?" I asked Josh.
"Yea." He said

Rachel POV:

The night was coming to a close when Cory went up to the mic.
"As the night comes to an end, I noticed some fathers coming to pick up their daughters. I was wondering if we could have one last dance before we leave, a father daughter dance."
Girls went to the floor with their fathers. Cory came up to us and asked Riley to dance with him. Shawn asked Maya. I stayed at the corner watching the girls dance with their fathers. I smiled when Cory looked up at me and smiled.Eric came up to me.
"May I have this dance?" He asked.
I smiled, "You may."
We went to the dance as the song 'My little girl' started playing.
"You grew up beautiful" Eric said while twirling me.
"From the best."
"You know we love you, right? That's why we protect you."
"I know"
"Love you."
"Love you more." I said just as the song finished.

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