Chapter 44

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Rachel POV:

"So tell me about you

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"So tell me about you." I said handing Dean his ice cream.
"I'm 5 years old. I have been in the orphanage since I was 2. Everyone ignores me there. I go to the park every day to get away from it all. So yea. What about you?"
"Well, I'm 15 years old, I live with my brother because my parents died after my mum gave birth to me. I have 3 brothers and 1 sister and I got to school at John Quincy Addams."
"Any friends?"
"Yea. A few."
"Who are they?"
"Riley, Maya, Zay, Farkle and Lucas."
"They sound nice."
"They are." I smiled.

"Hey Rach."
I turned to see my friends coming towards us.
"Speak of the devils." I smiled at Dean who giggled.
"Hey guys." I said as Lucas kissed my cheek.
"Who's this?" Lucas asked looking at Dean.
"Guys, this is Dean, Dean these are my friends. I met him yesterday and told him I'd see him tomorrow, today." I explained.
"Well it's nice to meet you Dean. How old are you?" Lucas asked kneeling down to his height.
"Wow. Your so big. Say, you ever played soccer."
Dean shook his head.
"No? Well, would you like to learn?"
Dean nodded.
"Yea? Ok. How about you, me, Farkle and Zay leave the ladies to talk. Farkle is just learning aswell so."
Dean looked at me.
"Go have fun. I'll be here if you need me." I nodded.

Dean smiled and ran off with lucas, Farkle and Zay following. Riley, Maya and Stacey sat across from me.
"He seems nice." Stacey commented.
"He is." I smiled.
"A bit shy, but I think, we'll get him comfortable with us soon." Maya said.
"How'd you meet him anyway?" Riley asked.
"I was at the park yesterday and seen him on his own. I went over to him and talked to him."
"Your too kind for your own good." Maya pointed at me.
We laughed and watched the boys, cheering them on.

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