Chapter 19

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Rachel POV:

I am sitting in my room watching Zoella on my laptop. Everyone has gone out for the day. Maya and Riley are on a date with Zay and Farkle. Cory, Topanga and Auggie are at 'Topangas bakery' working. That just leaves me, myself and I. My phone rang. I looked at the I.D to see Joshs number flash up. I answered it.

(J-Josh, R-Rachel)
R- Hello?
J- Hey sis. I just rang to see if you want to come over to ours. Cory texted saying you are on your own.
R- Aww. Are you sure? I mean, I don't mind being alone.
J-It's fine. Better being with people then being on your own.
R-Ok. I'll be over in 10. I'm in my PJs.
J- Seya.

I went to my open wardrobe and changed into something comfy as I wasn't going anywhere special.

I went to my open wardrobe and changed into something comfy as I wasn't going anywhere special

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I grabbed my phone off my bedside locker, locked the door and walked across to Erics. The door was open so I just knocked and walked in.

"Sup losers" I shouted as I flopped onto the couch.
"Morning sis" They said in sync.
"Want breakfast." Eric asked while walking over to the fridge.
"Here" Eric handed me a salad and a cup of coffee.
"Thanks." I sat up and took a mouthful of coffee.
"So, what were you doing over there on your own." Josh asked as they sat across from me.
"Watching youtube."
"How's school"
"Good. How's college?"
I yawned.
I nodded. My eyes started to feel heavy and I fell asleep.

Eric POV:

Rachel fell asleep on the couch. I picked her up and went into my room. I layed her on the bed and pulled the covers over her. I kissed her forhead and walked out closing the door slowly so I didn't wake her. I went back to Josh to see him cleaning up.

"She asleep"
I walked up to him and dried the cutlery and put them away. We then sat down and turned on the TV to watch the news. 

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