Chapter 3 (Please read till end)

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Rachel POV:

School was finished. I was sorting my locker, Maya Riley and the others had gone home, when I was pushed against it. I fell on the ground.My books went flying.

"Did anyone tell you that you are a nobody."
I stayed quiet.
"You know, your 'friends' are just hanging out with you because they feel sorry for you."
I slammed my locker and walked past them.
"Look, the baby's running away. GO on, cry to your mommy.Oh wait, you don't have a mommy."
The others started laughing.

When I got out of school grounds I ran home. Once I was home, I said a quick hello to Auggie and Topanga and ran to my room. 

I changed into something cozy and started my homework.

I changed into something cozy and started my homework

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Cory POV:

When school was finished I packed up and went home. I left my brief case in the sitting room and told Topanga I was going to Eric's. I knocked on Eric's door and Josh answered. We went in and I noticed Shawn was already there.

"Why am I here?" I asked. Shawn nodded.
"It's about Rachel." Eric said.
That got me worried.
"What about her?" Shawn asked.
"This morning, when she came to ours, she wasn't her normal self. She was also quiet. When we asked her what was up she said she was fine but we knew she was lying." Josh explained.
"She was late to my class this morning. When she arrived she was very pale and was shaking a lot. She also was looking lost during lunch, not interacting with Riley or any of their friends." I said.
"It must be in sch ...." 

Shawn was interrupted by a knock on the door. Eric answered it.There stood Riley, Lucas, Maya, Farkle, Zay, Auggie and Topanga was there. They came in and sat down.

"Somethings wrong with Aunt Rachel." Auggie said.
"Yea. She just said hi when she came home and went straight to her room when she usually sits and talks for a while." Topanga said.
"When we meet up for lunch she wouldn't talk either, just stared into space."Maya said.
"We're really worried about her."Lucas said.
"We want our Rachel back." Zay then said.
"So it's definitely not just us who think she is acting different" Eric said.
"No." The rest of us said. 
"She's acting like me and Riley did when we were..." Farkle trailed off.
"Do you have any rope?"
"Under the sink, why?" Eric Said.

Farkle ran to the sink and got the rope. He cut two long pieces off it. He went to Lucas and tied his arms together and then to the table leg.

"Farkle what are you doing?" Lucas asked.
"Why does this feel familiar?" Zay said.
"I am going to tell you something that you may not like so I wanted to make sure you were secure so you didn't turn into Texas Lucas."
"Now I remember."Zay said.
"Farkle, nothing will make me turn into Texas Lucas." Lucas exclaimed.
"You'd be surprised." Zay said.
"You know." Shawn asked Zay.
"I do now."
"What is he on about then?"I asked
"I'll let Farkle say it."
"Farkle what are you on about?" Riley asked. 

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