Christmas special day 10

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Rachel POV:

"Why are in my room?" I asked as Riley and Maya walked over and sat on my bay window

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"Why are in my room?" I asked as Riley and Maya walked over and sat on my bay window.
"Riley has too many distractions in her room and I am trying to teach her Spanish."
"That's easy."
"Really?" Maya asked.
"Alright, what is hello my name is Rachel?"
"Hola mi nombre es Rachel."
"Nice." Maya nodded.
"Alright you guys can speak Spanish, now can you help me." Riley asked Maya.
They sat at my window and I continued to revise my homec.

(A/N ignore smackle. She isn't in this story.)

"Guys, why are you like this?" I asked them.
"We failed." farkle stated.
"And we succeeded." Zay said.
"Not so worried about you guys, it's these three I am." I said pointing from one side to the other.
"What's there to say. Remember me in college aunt Rachel."
I sat beside riley.
"never quit. If you stumble, get back up. what happened earlier no longer matters, tomorrows another day. So get back up on track and move closer to our dreams and goals. You can do it."
Riley smiled and hugged me.
"Now go and revise for that Spanish test. And no matter whats the result, you've succedded in my eyes."
She got up and walked out with everyone following. Lucas stayed behind.

"Your good at that inspirational stuff, aren't ya." He said wrapping his arms around my waist.
"I try." I shrugged and wrapped my hands around his neck.
"I love you, my little bluebonnet."
"And I love you, my cowboy."
We kissed.

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