Chapter 26

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Rachel POV:

We arrived at the mount ski lodge an hour later. We walked in with Lucas still carrying my bag. I looked back to see Cory, Eric and Josh right behind us with Shawn, Katie and Topanga behind us. I walked in to see a bay window to the right of me . I ran over to it and sat down. Lucas sat beside me. The adults went to check us in.

"So, ready for a fun weekend" I joked.
"Oh yea. I've never been near nature before." He joked back
I laughed.

"Ok guys. Rooms are upstairs, girls to the left and boys to the right. " Cory explained to us.

I grabbed my bag from Lucas and walked to the girls room. I took the bed beside the window. I dropped my bag at the bottom of my bed and sat looking out the window. I felt someone sit beside me.

"You ok" It was Katie.
"Yea" I sighed.
"We're going for a hike, you want to come"
"Yea, sure"

We got up and met with the others. I walked up to Lucas and we once again chatted for the whole walk. Half way through we caught up with Farkle, Riley, Maya and Zay. We got talking to them and before we knew it we were back where we started. I walked to the sofa and sat on one of them. The gang followed and sat on either the sofa across from me or on the fire place. Lucas sat beside me. I laid my head on his soldier.

I nodded.
"Tired for sleep or tired from walking"
"Tired from walking"
"You guys make a cute couple" Riley said just as Josh walked to us.
I looked down, blushing.
"Who make a cute couple" He said as he sat beside me.
"Rachel and Lucas" Maya said
"No" Josh screamed.
"You don't think they make a cute couple" Farkle asked.
"I don't think about things like that that concern my sister."
"I see where he's coming from" Zay said.

"You do" I asked sitting up.
"Yea. Josh doesn't want you to have a boyfriend in fear that you will get hurt. None of your brothers do. Especially Mister Mathews." Zay replied.
"Zay's right" Cory said walking up to us with the other adults. 
"I am " Zay asked, confused.
"You are." Eric replied.
"Well. that's a first" Zay said laying on Maya.
"We almost lost her once, we don't want to lose her again" Shawn said.
"And you won't" I said, hugging my brothers.
"Awww" Everyone said.
"Hush you" I said to them.

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