Christmas special day 2

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Rachel POV:

"So what you doing for christmas Dean?""Noting

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"So what you doing for christmas Dean?"
"Noting. I never get anything. Only the few things from santa."
"What, Miss doyle doesn't get you anything?"
"Yea. Well this is my stop. Bye Ra."
"Bye D"

I watched him walk to the door before running home. I bursted through the door, startling the adults.

"Are you ok?" Cory asked coming over and checking me for injuries..
"Yea. Fine. Hey, can Dean come over on Christmas day."
"Of course he can. He's always welcome here." Topanga smiled.
"Thanks. It would be better then at the orphanage. He doesn't get anything."
"That's terrible."
"I know. Well, I'm going to head to my room. Lucas is waiting."
"Keep the door open." Cory shouted to me.

I walked into my room and see nLucas lying on my bed.

"Hey." I smiled taking off my jacket and hanging it up.
"You waiting long." I lyed down and placed my head on his stomach.
"Nope." He started to play with my hair.
"What you doing for Christmas?"
"Oh, noting."
"Wanna come here? Dean is also coming."
"Yea, sure."

We stayed there until Lucas had to go home. He kissed me before walking out of my room and out the front door so Cory knew he was gone.

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