Chapter 4

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"I'll let Farkle say it" 

Eric  POV: 

"Farkle, just say it" I said.
"Rachel's being bullied."
"What?" Lucas asked, trying to be calm.
"WHAT?"Everyone screamed, Shawn, Cory, Josh and I being the loudest.
Lucas looked beyond angry.
"Did I do the right thing Zay." Farkle asked
"What did I do wrong?"
"I told you before, it wouldn't matter. Everyone step back as far away from him and the door as possible"

Lucas got out of the ropes after turning the table over  and ran out.
"It's come from my experience that when it comes to his friends, noting can hold him back.
Josh, Cory , Shawn and I ran after him. We ran to her room to see her sitting on her bay window looking out.

Rachels POV:

The door banged against the wall pulling me out of mind. There stood my brothers and Lucas.

"What's this, a family reunion" I joked.
"Why didn't you tell us?" Lucas asked.
"You wouldn't let us go through something like this do you really think we would let you?" Farkle and Riley asked as they crawled through my window.
"We're you're friends and family" Zay and Maya said when they crawled through the window.
"You're not alone" Topanga said from the door.
"I know." I said
"Then why didn't you tell anyone that you were being bullied?" Josh asked.
"Because I was scared. She said that if I told anyone that she would do worse then already."

I started crying. Cory came over and hugged me.

"Your not alone. You are a talented, beautiful girl and you are loved. I love you, Josh loves you, Eric loves you, Shawn loves you, Topanga loves you, your friends loves you. We all love you. Do you really think that we would be here if we didn't?"
"What did they say?" Josh asked.
"Your weird, your ugly, your stupid. Riley, Maya, Zay, Farkle and Lucas are just being friends with me because if they didn't, Cory would give out to them and to stay away from Lucas."
"We are going into the principals office tomorrow and you are going to give the names of all the people involved." Eric said.
"Will one of you go in with me?" I asked
"I will. I am off anyway AND it helps to have a lawyer on your side." Topanga said.
"Bring it in" Cory said.

Everyone gave me a hug with me in the middle.

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