Chapter 15

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Topanga POV:

I was working at the bakery when my phone went off. It was Riley. 
"Katy, can you look after these customers, I have to answer a call." I asked Katy.
"Sure." She replied.

(R-Riley, T- Topanga)

T- Riley, what's wrong.
R- It's Rachel
T-What's wrong with her?
R-She been rushed to hospital.
T- What happened.
R-Missy is back in school and today she attacked Rachel for something.
T- I'm on my way. Do Eric, Josh and Shawn know?
R- No. Can you get them and explain on the way. Also, someone needs to get das car.
T- Alright. Are you at the hospital.
R- No. Whoever takes das car will take us. He gave us the key.
T- Right. Seya

I told everyone that we had to be closed due to recent events. I locked up and drove to collect Shawn, Josh and Eric.
"Topanga, what's going on?" Katie asked.
"Will explain when get the lads. Can you get Shawn and I'll get Eric. Then we have to go get Josh from College."

We went to get the lads. I knocked on Erics door and he answered a second later.
"Hey Topanga. What's up?" He asked.
"Will explain in car. We have to get Josh. It is important" 
"Oh. He's already here.Josh come on, we are leaving."
"Where?" josh asked.
"Topanga will explain in car. It's important."
We ran to the car to see Katie and Shawn already there. We got in.

"Ok. We're all here. Now what's up?" Katie asked.
"It's Rachel. She's been rushed to hospital. Riley rang me."
"What happened?!!?" Eric asked, panicked.
"Missy came back and attacked her, blaming her for something."
"Jeez. That poor girl." Katie said.
We pulled up at the school beside Riley and the gang.
"Who's driving Cory's car. You will be bringing the kids too."
"I will." Eric said and got out.
"Which hospital." He asked.
"Just follow me."

We arrived at the hospital 15 mins later. We parked and ran to the secretary. 
"Rachel Matthews" I said.
"Family only."
"We are"
"I'm guardian, these three brothers," I pointed to Eric, Josh and Shawn,"Sister"I pointed to Katie, "Nieces" I pointed to Maya and Riley, "And Nephews" I pointed to Farkle, Lucas and Zay.
"Just through that door and to your left, room 201. You will have to wait in waiting room. Her guardian/brother is waiting there."

We went though the doors and to the left to see Cory sitting at the waiting room with his head in his hands. We walked up to him. I touched his shoulder.
"How is she?" I asked as we sat down.
"No news. She was rushed back. I wasn't aloud in." He replied.
"She's strong. She'll pull through." Katie said.
"I hope your right." Cory said.

We sat in silence. 10 mins later a doctor came out of her room.
"How is she?" I asked, gaining everyone's attention.
"She's fine. We ran some tests and there is noting serious.She's awake and asking for her brothers, espicially Cory. You can see her if you like" He said.
"When can she be let out?" Eric asked.

"When I take off the heart moniter and check over her. Her cloths are on the shelf beside the door. She will also have to stay out o school for a week so she can recover." He replied
"Thanks doctor"

We went in to see a pale Rachel sitting up in the bed. She smiled weakly at us.
"Hey" She said.
"How are you feeling" Katie asked.
"What happened before I came." Cory asked.

"We were eating lunch and talking when she came towards us. Lucas tried to get her to stop talking to me, as she was using hurtful words, but she wouldn't." She started crying.
Josh hugged her as he was sitting beside her.
"You're ok now. She can't hurt you." He whispered to her.
"What happened to her at the office, Zay, Lucas?" Cory asked the lads.
"She got expelled. She can't even return to our school." Lucas replied.
"Thank god."
"When can I go home?" Rachel asked as she puled away from Josh.
"Right now." the doctor said as he came in.

He took the heart monitor off Rachel and got her to stand up. She wobbled and fell but Josh caught her.
"Her sugar level is low. You may give her chocolate or something, then she will be able to walk again. She's just weak. Do you want a wheelchair or would you prefer to carry her?" 
"I'll carry her." Josh said.
"Alright. You are free to leave."
He left. I got her cloths from the shelf.
"I'll help her change, you guys wait outside."
They left and I helped Rachel change. I then got her to sit on the bed and called Josh to carry her. We went out to the cars. Cory, Josh, Eric and Shawn went in Corys car and brought Rachel with them, the others went with me. We arrived back at the apartment building 20 mins later. Rachel was asleep so Josh just put her in her bed. They all stayed at ours for the night as it was late.

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