Chapter 17

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Riley POV:

Farkle and I were at my locker with the gang when Rachel came running in. She ignored us and went to her locker.

"Rachel, you ok?" I asked.
"Never better."
"Well you acting less then ok"
 "Your father has ruined my life."
"How so"
"Not letting me do what I want."

With that she slammed her locker and went to the bench beside the vending machine. I walked into dads room to see him sitting at his desk starring into space. I slammed my hands on his desk. He jumped.

"What happened between you and Aunt Rachel?" 
"We may or may not of had a fight."
"That's ridicules. You guys never fight."
"Well we have now. And it's a big one."
"Talk to her"
The bell rang and people started to walk in for class.
"She won't listen, watch."
Rachel walked in.
"Hey, little sis."
She ignored him and went straight to her seat.
"Ok???" I said and we all sat in our seats.

During class Rachel just stared into space. Da better sort things out, and fast.


Lucas POV:

Rachel hasn't talked since this morning. She keeps starring into space and when someone asks her something she just looks at them. She's not even eating. We are all worried about her.

"What are we going to do?" Riley whispered to us.
"She won't eat, talk and can't concentrate on school work. " Maya said.
"I've never seen her so upset." Farkle said.
"She's not the Rachel we're friends with." Zay said
"I'm going to hers to help her catch up with work. I will try to get her to talk then." I said.
"Will you?" Riley asked.


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