Chapter 16

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Rachel POV:

It's been a week since I was in hospital

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It's been a week since I was in hospital. My brothers won't let me out of their sight. If I go somewhere, at least one of them have to be with me.  I'm back to school today. Good thing is, Missy is gone, never to return. the bad thing is, I have to catch up with work, and they have done alot during the week so ontop of the work we're doing this week, I have to hw, classwork and get notes so I won't have any spare time. Lucas is in my class and he said he would help me. 

"Rachel, school." Cory yelled.

I grabbed my bag and ran to meet Cory at the door. He was bringing me. 

"Where's Riley and the others."
"Oh, they just left." He replied.
"Why didn't they ask me if I wanted to go with them?"
"They were going to, but I said I would bring you."
As I asked this Eric and Josh came in.
"Hey family, Oh." Josh stopped when he saw me glaring at Cory.
"What's wrong?" Eric asked.
"Cory wouldn't let me walk to school with Riley and the others." I replied.
"So..."Eric prompted.
"HE choose for me when I am old enough to make my own decisions."
"To protect you" Cory said.
"From what? What do I need protecting from?"
"She wouldn't be able to touch me. Not when I am with Lucas because he is as strong as a horse."
"That can't stop words. She could mention mom and dad just like she did before.I was there when she used having no parents against you, I seen your eyes watering."
"So you think I'm weak?"
"No, I don't think your weak. In fact, I know your not weak. Your strong, you help others before yourself. Mom and dad would be proud of you. I know I am" 
I just ran out the door and into the school.

Cory POV:

Rachel just ran out the door.

"What happened,Cory." Eric asked.
"I believe, Cory and Rachel had their first fight." Topanga came in with Auggie.
"But we never fight." I said.

"Well, you just did." She replied.
"Oh my god. Rachel and I just had our first fight." I realised.

How do I fix this.

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