Chapter 2

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Rachel POV:

Maya, Riley and I were standing at our lockers. We were beside each other, mine being closest to Cory's classroom. We were waiting for Lucas and Farkle. After 10 minutes of waiting for them they turned the corner and went to their locker. Theirs was across from ours so we walked over to them.

"Hey guys." I greeted.
"Ladies" Farkle said.
"You ready for a day of your dad/brother." Lucas asked.
"No." Riley and I screamed.
"I just asked." Lucas threw his hands up in surrender.

Just then Missy, my bully, and her 'gang' turned the corner. She glared at me and motioned me over.

"Guys, I got to go. I'll see you in class, ok?"
"Ok??" They all replied at once

I ran over to the direction Missy and her 'gang' went.

"Hey loser."Missy said.
"Hey."I whispered.
She pushed me up against a locker.
"Stay away from Lucas. He's mine."
"What do you mean.We're just friends."
"So, stay away from him."
She let me go. I turned to leave.
"Cool bag." She said.

Sarah took my bag and opened it. She turned it upside down and let everything fall out. Tayler and Katy kicked them around the hall, laughing. The bell rang, signaling to go to class.

"See ya loser."

With that they left. I picked up all my books and put them back in my bag. The second bell went. I was late for class and I had Cory. Great.

Cory POV:

The second bell rang for class and Rachel wasn't here. She usually comes in with Riley, Farkle, Maya and Lucas. I was beginning to get worried.

"Does anyone know where Rachel is?" I asked the class.
"She went off saying that she had to go talk to someone before class when we meet this morning. She looked to be in a hurry and she was pale." Lucas said.

Just then she ran into class. She was shaking.

"Rachel two things. One, your late to your brothers class, two, Why are you shaking? Are you unwell because you look pale?" I asked, concerned .
"Sorry, I was in the bathroom, I felt sick."
"Are you ok now or do I need to call to ask if Topanga can come get you. She finishes early."
"No. I feel fine now."
"Ok. But if you feel sick again just tell me and I will call Topanga."

She sat down in her seat. She looked out into space. She is starting to worry me. This morning Eric called to say that I needed to go to his after school. He said it was important. I will tell him then.

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