Chapter 8

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Cory POV:

We were waiting for word on Rachel. A guard came up to us.

"Family of Rachel Matthews?"
"Come with me.The man has left the building but you are going to have to keep quiet when you get ther."
"Is she alright?" Topanga asked.
"Physically, yes."
"What do you mean, physically?" Josh asked.
"Well we can't see any harm done to her, but has a gun pointed at her head. I am bringing you to the front but stay quiet."

By now we were with the other guards. The leader of the army came up to us.

"The army is going to try to get near him. We will then shot him with a shot that will put him to sleep. Once we are sure he is passed out we will give a signal. Watch Officer and when he moves you go with him and get Rachel. Be prepared for her to act different though, she has had a horrible fright. I would advise a hot bath and someone to sleep with her for tonight."

Third Person POV:

The army went to their places. The Officer kept talking to the man so that he was distracted. They shot him with the shot and he passed out. They waited 15 mins and whe he didn't move they gave the signal. The officer ran up to the man and a shaking Rachel and arrested the man. Rachels family ran up to her and gave her a hug.

Rachel POV:

After what felt like hours the man collapsed. An Officer ran up to us and arrested him. I was shaking with fear. My brothers, Shawn, Topanga and Katie ran up to me and gave me a big hug.

"Thank god your ok." Cory said.
"I'm fine. Just shook up."
"You are never leaving our sight again." Eric said.
"We'll see."
"Come on, lets get you home." Topanga said.
"What about my stuff."
"Officer gave them to me just there."Katie said.

When we got home Topanga ran me a bath and Katie got out my PJs.

"Your not sleeping on your own tonight." Cory said.
"I'll be fine."
"Not our orders, the leader of the army said so."
"Who do you want to stay with you." Eric asked.
"Can Josh? I think Topanga will need Cory and Katie will need Shawn."
"If it's alright with Eric?" Josh said.
"Yeah, it's fine. Rachel needs you more than I do." Eric said.

With that I said goodnight to everyone and fell asleep in my brothers arms. For the first time in a long time, I felt safe.

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