Chapter 40

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Rachel POV:

Rachel POV:

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"Hey Rach." Lucas crawled through the window.
"Hey Lucas. What's up?"
"wanted to ask you something."
"And you couldn't use the front door because?"
"I tried."
"What did my annoying excuse of a brother do?"
"He slammed the door in my face."
"Did he now."
He nodded.
"Well what did you want to ask me?"
"Want to go out with me?"
"Like a date?"
"I would love to."
"Great. Seya down stairs." 
He began to crawl out the window but I pulled him back.
"Your going the normal way out."
"But your brother......"
"cory will have to get used to it. Now, come on."

I grabbed Lucas's hand and walked into the living room. Cory and Topanga were sitting there. They turned around when they heard us. Cory went to say something.

"Ignore us. Just passing through."
"Hang on, just a minute." Cory walked and blocked the door.
"Cory." Topanga warned.
"No. I slammed the door on you for a reason." He pointed at Lucas.
"And then he crawled through my window. Get over it. Now, if you don't mind."
I pushed Cory away from the door and then grabbed Lucas before walking out.


"I enjoy spending time with you." Lucas comented
"and I you" I smiled
"Are all your brothers like mister Matthews."
"Well, yea. And why do you call Cory mister Matthews."
"Used to it."
"Ohh right."

"Hey Rach. Who's this?" Morgan asked as she walked towards them with Jack.
"Hey Morg, this is Lucas. Lucas, this is Morgan, my sister, and Jack, her boyfriend and Shawns brother."
"Sister? I didn't know you had one."
"Neither did I till recently."
"Well it's lovely to meet you Morgan. And you Jack."
They shook hands.
"You too. Take care of my sister." Morgan said.
"Yea. Don't hurt her." Jack said.
"I wouldn't dare."
"Good. Well, we were just leaving. Bye guys."
"Bye." We smiled.

Soon after they left Lucas walked me home.
"I had a great time Lucas."
"So did I."
"So I'll seya soon."
"Yea. Seya soon."

He leaned in and I leaned in too.
"Great, your back." Cory opened the door quickly.
We jumped apart.
"Yea. umm, I should go. Bye Rachel Mister Matthews."
"Yes, you should." Cory called back.
"Bye Lucas."

I walked into the apartment and turned to Cory. 
"Must you do that?"
"Yes I must."

I ran to my room and slammed the door. I turned and jumped. Lucas was sitting at my window.

"Hey again." He smiled.
"Hi. what you doing here?"
"To do something." He said walking towards me."
"And what would that be?"

He leaned down and kissed me. I kissed back.

We pulled away

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We pulled away.
"Okay." I said.
Lucas smiled.
"Rachel!!" I heard Josh call.
I looked at the door before starting to push Lucas to the window.
"You need to go."
He kissed my cheek.

I smiled before walking towards the living room.

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