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Rachel POV:

I knocked on the door

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I knocked on the door.

"Rach it's open."

I opened it and sat on the couch.

"Hey Morg."
"Hey sis. You ready to go"

It's a week since morgan and Jack moved across from us. We were at Topangas.

"So tell me about you" She said.
"I'm 14. I live with Cory. I go to school at john quincy adams and cory is my teacher. I sing, play guitar, ukulele and piano. I am friends with Maya, Farkle, Zay and Lucas aswell as Riley."
"Any crushes"
"What no"
"You've gone all red"
"Ok fine. I may have a small crush on someone"
"This guy, Lucas Frier"
"He's smart, funny, cute. He puts his friends before him"
"He sounds lovely. You should tell him"
"Why not"
"He might not like me back"
That ended the conversation.

Lucas POV:
"Come on, ask her"
"Why not"
"Because why"
Zay had been at me all day. I told him about liking Rachel and he thinks I should as her out.
"She doesn't like me like that"
"How do you know"
"I don't"
"Well then ask her. The worst she can do is say no"
"That's not what I'm afraid of"
"What is it then"
"Her brothers, Shawn"
"Well get to that when it happens"
"I'll think about it"
"Fine. But think fast, before she's taken"

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