Chapter 6

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Rachel POV:

It was quiet. The only sounds heard was our breathing. Suddenly my phone went off. It was from Cory. I turned my phone on silent before checking.

  C-Rachel. Are you ok? It's on the news about the gunman. Where are you? Please reply, we're all worried about you.
R- I'm ok. We are hiding in different areas. I'm in the wardrobe. What are they saying on the news about it.
C- Thank god your ok. The gaurds said to text anyone in the building that we know to see if they are ok. We were also told to stay indoors as the man was armed with a gun.

There was another gunshot. This time closer to our hiding places.

R- There getting closer to our hiding places. I'm scared.
C- Keep texting me. Hangon, I will put Josh, Eric, Shawn, Katie and Topanga on to form a group message. Whatever you do don't go out of your hiding place.
R- Okay

I waited for Cory to form a text message group.

C- Rach, you still there?
R- Yea.
K- You ok sweetie?
R- They're getting closer to Kates apartment. We are hiding there . I'm scared.
T-Honey, stay calm. The last thing we need is for you to have a panic attack. Just keep texting us and you will be fine.
R- any news about this on the news?
E- It's just on. We will watch and tell you.

Eric POV:

The news came back on.They started talking about the man that was in the apartments.

"A man dressed in black has entered 12 hill apartments armed with a gun. Grace has more on this situation. Grace, what's new?"
"At 10 the lights had went out in 12 hill apartments and a man dressed in black entered the building armed with a gun. There was multiple gunshots heard 5 mins after he had entered. There is 30 people in this building, 20 being under 18. The police had arrived when someone called saying that they had heard gunshots. When the police arrived there was more gunshots followed by screams. The firemen are now here trying to get everyone out safely. They have got 12 people out by going through open windows but are unable to get to the others as there are no windows open. "
Gunshots were heard in the background along with screams.
"The police and firemen are doing everything they can to get everyone out safely. However they are unable to attempt to catch the gunmen as they have nothing to protect themselves with. They are waiting for the army to come in. Here they are now. Text all you know that is still in there that help is on the way.I'm Grace live from 12 hill apartments."

Rachel POV:

The man was in the apartment. He was close to where I was hiding.

E- The army are there. They are trying to get in to reach him now.
R-He's here.
S-We know that.
R-No. I mean, he's in the room where I'm hiding.
J- Stay calm. Just stay hidden and don't make a sound.
R- I'm scared.
T-Honey, you are the bravest, most intelligent person I know. You will get through this.
K-Just stay calm. The army will get you out and when they do, we will give you the biggest hug ever and you will never be left alone.
R- You're not even here. He is right in front of me.
T-We are outside. So is Tayler and Sarahs moms.
R- How? No one is meant to leave their houses.
C-Do you really think we were going to stay inside safe when you are in danger.
 R- It would of been the smartest thing to do.
K-Ok I'm not very smart. But, your like a sister to me and I was worried. I mean, your in a place where I man dressed in black and armed with a gun is, that is pretty scary. And I just had to act it, your in real life.

The wardrobe opened to reveal....

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