Christmas special day 9

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Rachel POV:

"How you feeling?" Cory asked walking into my room.
"A lot better."
"Good." He smiled.
"I'm going to meet Lucas and Dean today."
"Wrap up warm."

Cory walked out and I got out of bed. I made my way to my bathroom and had a quick shower. Once out I sat on my bed and blow dried my hair and then changed before heading to the living room where Cory and Sean where.

 Once out I sat on my bed and blow dried my hair and then changed before heading to the living room where Cory and Sean where

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"I'm heading off."

I ran down the stairs and ran to Topangas. Everyone was there when I arrived. I sat beside Lucas and he handed me a hot chocolate. I sipped some of it.

"So how is everyone?" I asked taking off my coat and scarf.
"Good." Everyone replied and I smiled.
"How are you feeling?" Lucas asked.
"Good. I still have it but not as bad as yesterday."
He nodded and started to talk to Dean who was sitting on his lap.
"How are you dean?"
"Good. You?"
"I'm good. You excited for Christmas?"
"Of course I am. I get to spend it with my best friends." He smiled.

I laughed and leaned my head on Lucas shoulder. He wrapped an arm around my shoulder and kissed my head before returning to his conversation with Dean. I smiled and drank my hot chocolate.

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