Chapter 1

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Rachel POV:

I woke up to the sun shining through the window. It was a Monday morning, meaning that I have school. I got up and got changed and headed down to the others.

 I got up and got changed and headed down to the others

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"Good morning." I said
"Morning" They replied.
"I'm going to head off. I'll see you in school Cory."
"What about your breakfast" Topanga asked.
"I'm heading over to Eric and Josh."
"I knew it. You wouldn't leave early for school." Cory said.
"Whatever, Seya." I said while heading out the door.

I went across to Erics place and knocked. Josh answered.

"Hey little sis. Come in."
"Hey Josh. Morning Eric."
"Morning. We were just about to have breakfast.Want some?" Eric asked.
"What ya having?"
"Pancakes. There's strawberries in the fridge."
"You know me too well." I said heading to the fridge.
"Well I hope I know you. Your my sister."

I got out the strawberries, cut them up and put them on my pancakes. I am vegan, meaning I only eat stuff that doesn't have anything to do with animals. I don't like the idea of killing innocent animals.

"So, how are you?" Josh asked.
"Fine." I sighed.
"No, your not, if you were you would be smiling. Right now, you are frowning. What's up." Eric asked.
"Nothing. I'm fine."
"Alright. But if something's up, you know you can tell us, don't you?" Josh said.
"Yeah, I know."

I can tell that they aren't convinced by my answer. Truth is, I'm bullied in school. No one knows, not even my friends. If they knew, they would do anything to stop it, especially Lucas, and tell my brothers.

"I've to go"

I placed my dish in the dish washer and grabbed my bag.

I placed my dish in the dish washer and grabbed my bag

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"I'll see ya."

I opened the door to see Riley and Mia heading out for school.

"Hey girlies."
"Hey Rach" They said.

Josh POV:

When Rachel left I turned to Eric.

"Did you notice that Rachel wasn't the same as usual."
"Yea. She's usually all smiley and talkative. But today, today she was oddly quiet."
"There's something she's not telling us." I said
"Obviously. I'll call Shawn and Cory and ask them to come over after work. You, however, have to get to College." He said.
"Yea, yea. I'm going. I'll see ya later."

I hope Rachel's okay.

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