Christmas special day 1 (chapter 45)

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Rachel POV:

Rachel POV:

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I stood back beside Lucas and looked around my room. I had done it up for Christmas, with the help of Lucas.

 I had done it up for Christmas, with the help of Lucas

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"Wow." Topanga said walking in.
"I know." I said.
"That is beautiful. Your outdoing the house itself." She laughed.
"I wouldn't say that."
She smiled and walked out.

"Do you wanna go out?" Lucas asked.
"Yea sure. Let me grab my coat then we can go."

I walked to the back of my door and grabbed a coat and then slipped on some uggs on my feet. We then walked out and I said bye to the lads and Topanga and Morgan before walking out the door. Lucas and I walked hand in hand into Topangas where the others were.

"HEy guys." I said sitting down.
"Hey rach, Lucas." They said.
"What do you want?" Lucas asked.
"umm, a cinnamon latte please."

Lucas walked to the counter and asked Katie for the drinks. He soon came back and handed me mine. I got up and he sat down before I sat on his lap. He held onto me by my waist with one hand while his other held his drink.

"So, you guys ready for christmas?" Riley smiled all giddy.
"Yea." We all smiled.
"Are you ready for..........."
"Please don't say secret santa." I whined.
"Or ecret, cret, ert, ta or anything in them two words." Maya said.
"Well why not?"
"It's easier. Remember last year." I said.
"What happened last year?" Lucas asked.
"Oh yea, he wasn't here." zay said.


*Flashback ended*

"And that's what happened." Farkle finished.
"Wow. What did Rachel get?"
"A picture of my mum and dad." I said sadly.
"Yea. haha."
"Ok I get it. But are we getting each other something?" Riley asked.
"Yea. But not like last year."

I finished my drink and placed the mug on the table. I then snuggled closer up to Lucas.

"Aww." Everyone said.
I blushed and hid in Lucas's neck.
"Love you  bluebonnet." Lucas whispered.
"Love you too my texas boy." I whispered back.

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