chapter 42

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Rachel POV:

"Meaning of life, what is it?"

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"Meaning of life, what is it?"

We were back in school. Cory was teaching us another random thing.

"We life, we die. Happens to us all." I say.
"Yea. But what. What do you life for? Maya?"
"ZZZZZZ" Maya was asleep.
"Good. Farkle?"
"Alright. Smackle?"
"What he said."
"Your all correct. We all live for different things. We all want to be something. So why leave it, follow that dream, don't let it fly."

The bell went. I closed my book and walked back to my locker, nudging Maya as I passed her.

"So, what's it like being back in school?" Lucas asked.
"School is, school. But you make it seem better then it actually is" i said hitting his nose gently.
"Aww." Everyone said.
I laughed.
"What you in next?" 
"Art. WHich means your with me still."
"Aww no." He joked.


After school, home.

"How was school Auggie?" I asked sitting across from him.
"It was good. I'm growing." He smiled.
"Are ya?"
"Yea. How was yours?"
"Well, I had history today and had the most boring teacher ever, and that teacher turned out to be my annoying brother. And then I got homework. So yea."
"At least your growing."
I laughed and pinched his cheek before going to my room.

"Was wondering when you'd show up."
"Ahh. Lucas!!"
"Hey." He laughed.
"Don't do that." I said putting a hand on my heart.
"Sorry, couldn't resist." He laughed.
"What's up?" I said once I calmed down.
"Noting much. Just thought I'd come here to see if you wanted to do history together."
"Sure. Why not."

We sat on the floor and began the homework. Half an hour later we were finished. 

"Well, that's that done."
"Yes. Now, bye."
"haha. Bye."

He kissed my cheek and crawled threw my window.

"Any normal person would use the door." I said.
"I heard that." He called back.
"You were supposed to." I replied.

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