Christmas special day 3

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Rachel POV:

"So, how's the Christmas sshopping going?""I'm nearly done

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"So, how's the Christmas sshopping going?"
"I'm nearly done. You?"
"Haven't even started." Lucas smirked.
"Your bright aint ya."
He just laughed.

"hey Maya, Riley, Zay, Farkle. Stacey it's been a while." I said as Stacey got up and hugged me.
"I know." She laughed as we sat down.
"How's life?" I said taking off my throwover.
"Doing good. I decided to take a break from celebrity life and live a normal life."
"Yea, I'll be going to your school after christmas."
"Yay." I hugged her.

I looked up.
"Davina. How are ya?" I asked hugging her.
"Doing good. How are you?"
"I'm good. Would you like to join us?"
She sat down.
"I'm going to get hot chocolate. Anyone else want some?"
"Yes please" Everyone said.

"Here I'll help ya." The lads said getting up.

"Hey, can I have 8 hot chocolates Katie please."
"Yea sure. The usual?"
"1 vegan and rest regular? Yea thanks."
"Coming up."

She got them sorted and then placed them on the counter. I gave her the money before grabbing Stacey and Davinas wile the lads took two.

"Here you go." I said handing Davina and Stacey theirs.
"Thanks." They said as I sat down and took mine from Lucas.
I leaned on Lucas and sipped on my drink.

Cory and the others walked in.

"Evening all." He said.
"Mister matthews/dad/bro" we said.
He looked at me and Lucas before smiling walking towards us. He brought his hand between us and made me sit up.
"cory." Topanga warned as she walked to Katie.
"What?" He asked innocently.
Everyone laughed. This was what christmas was.

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