Christmas special day 17

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Cory POV:

There was a knock on the door. i opened it to see Lucas there with Dean.

"Hey, Rach is in bed. She can't go out." I said.
"Well can we come in. Dean wants to see her." Lucas asked.
I looked at Dean to see him looking in.
"Sure. Come on in."
I opened the door and they walked in. Dean ran straight to Rachels room. I smiled.
"I'll go to them." Lucas said and walked.
"Keep door open." I called.

Rachel POV:

I woke up to someone jumping on my bed. I sat up to see Dean smiling at me.

"Rachel!!" He hugged me.
"Hey kiddo."
"I was scared" He said.
"I hadn't seen you in a long time."
"Two days."
"I know."
I laughed as Lucas walked in.
"Why don't we watch Christmas movies." I suggested.
Dean shook his head rapidly.

Lucas placed a movie in and then layed with us. Dean sat in the middle of us and cuddled into my side.

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