Chapter 33

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hey guys, so this story had the most votes on my past update so here is the bonus chapter for this book, as promised.

Rachel POV:

"Hey, aunt Rach""Yea Aug"

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"Hey, aunt Rach"
"Yea Aug"

"Why is dad, uncle Eric, uncle Josh and uncle Shawn upset?"

Auggie and I were sitting in the living room watching googly eyes and friends. Since Lucas asked me out my brothers haven't really been talking to me. Shawn would occasionally but not as much as he used to either. Topanga and Katie said not to worry about it and they'd come around, they just had to get over the fact that I am now dating. I pulled Auggie up onto my lap.

"Well, do you know the way that I'm his sister?"
"Well, he has realized that I'm not a little girl anymore. He's also trying to protect me"
"From who"

"Because we are more then friends"
"Like me and Ava"
"Will he be happy soon?"
I hugged him and put him down.
"Now, off you go"

Auggie ran to his room as Topanga and Cory entered the kitchen. Cory walked out of the apartment into Erics. Topanga smiled at me. I smiled at her and walked over to her.

"Still not talking" She asked as I flopped on the bench.
"No. It's been 2 weeks, why can't they accept it and move on."I leaned my head on my left hand.
"I don't know what to tell you, Rach. Why don't you go out for a bit? Riley and them are at the bakery, why don't you join them"
"Yea, I will. Seya later Panga"

I walked to the bakery and seen the group sitting in their usual place.

"Hey guys"
"Hey rach"

Topanga POV:

"They haven't talked to her since Sunday. She thinks they hate her." Katie said wrapping her hands around the cup of tea I made her.
"I know. This morning Rachel was sitting in the living room when Cory and I walked in and he just ignored her and walked straight by her" I said.
"Why can't they just accept. She's dating someone, so what. It's not like she's moving across the country."
"I know"

Cory, Eric, Josh and Shawn came through the door laughing.

"Your home early. I thought you wouldn't be back till dinner" I said.
"Change of plans" Cory said.
"Well, that's good. we need to talk to you guys, all of you" Katie said moving to sit beside me.
"Why?" Josh asked.
"Sit down" I pointed to the bench in front of us.

They all sat down.
"Everything alright" Shawn asked.
"No, everything's not alright." I said.
"What's wrong" Eric asked.
"When's the last time you talked to Rachel?" I asked.
"Answer the question" Katie said.
"2 weeks" They said.
"do you have any idea how she feels about that"
"We've been busy" Shawn said.

"Recently, yea. Usually you talk to Rachel, even when your busy. So, what changed" I asked.
"then why ignore her?"
They stayed quite.
"You do know she thinks you hate her." Katie said.
"What, that's crazy. Why would she think that"
Katie and myself raised are eyebrows.
"Ohhhhhhh" They said.
"Yea. You ignore her and she starts thinking that."
"We have to fix this" Eric said.
"Yea, you do"

The door opened and Rachel stepped in. She froze when she seen us sitting at the table. She cautiously stepped forward.

"What's going on?"
"Rachel, why don't you sit down" I asked.

She looked at us before sitting beside Katie.

"Now, you guys need to talk. Come on Katie, lets go get the groceries"
"sort it" I whispered to the boys before grabbing my coat and purse.

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