Chapter 29

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Cory POV:

I was sitting in the living room with Eric and Josh when there's a knock at the door. I opened it to see someone I hadn't seen in a while, Morgan, my younger sister.

"Morgan" I asked, surprised
"Hey Cory. Can I come in"

I looked at the others when she walked in. Eric looked shocked while Josh looked confused. I sat down and gestured for her to do the same.

"Long time no see. What are you doing here?" Eric asked.
"Moved here. Decided it would be best to be with family"
"Josh, this is our sister, your older sister, Morgan" I explained.
"So your the one that took my place when I left for college." Morgan explained.
"I guess I am. Hi" Josh said
"Well, we're family. Come here" Morgan opened her arms.
Josh walked over and hugged her.
"You and Jack still friends?" I asked.
"Not exactly"
"What you mean" Eric asked
"We're dating. Two years now"
"Congrats" I said and side hugged her.

The door opened to reveal Rachel. She looked at us confused.

"Rachel, this is Morgan, your older sister" Eric explained
"Hi Rachel. It's lovely to finally meet you" She smiled.

Rachel POV:

I just looked at them. Since when did I have a sister.

"I know it's sudden. I hope we can get to know each other" She said.
I dropped my bags and ran to her.
"I already except you in my life. It would be nice to have a girl to talk to. No offence Topanga."
Topanga walked from the room door. "None taken"
"I would love to get to know you. And if you ever need to talk to someone that's not these maroons, I'm just across the hall"
"Hey" The boys shouted.
I laughed.

I pulled away from our hug and grabbed my bags. I walked to my room and started my homework.

At Shawn and Katies

Shawn POV:

I was sitting watching the news with Katie when there was a knock at the door. Katie opened it to reveal my brother, Jack.

"Hey Shawn. Miss me brother"
"You bet I did, how's life" I asked as a bro hugged him.
"Not to bad, not too bad. Dating Morgan for two years now"
We sat down
"Corys sister, Morgan"
"Well done bro"
"That lady your wife"
"Yea, that's Katie"
"Hi, I'm Jack, Shawns brother"
"Hi" They shook hands.
"You here for good" I asked.
"Yea. Across the road, living with Morgan"
"Well, I'll seya more often then"
Yea, I think you will"

We caught up with each other for the remaining of the night.

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