Christmas special day 6

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Rachel POV:

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"This is a fun park." Dean laughed.
"It is isn't it." I smiled at him.
"Why were you videoing yourself?"
"She likes to do that sometimes to remember memories." Riley explained.
"Boing is tired now." Maya laughed.
"Well he was running after us on the zippy thing." I laughed.
"Zippy thing" Dean laughed.
"I dunno what it's called." I shrugged.

Riley maya and i sat down on the bench as Lucas and dean played football. We laughed and cheered on Dean.

"He's good with kids." Riley smiled.
"Yea. " I laughed. "Go Dean." I yelled as he went to score.
"Where are your lads?" I asked.
"Finishing shopping." maya explained.
"They aren't done."
"Not everyone is as prepared as you are now Rach." Maya laughed.
"I just laughed as Dean ran over to us.

"Tired?" I asked.
"Wanna head back."
He nodded.

We gathered our stuff and walked back to the orphanage. We watched Dean go in and waved when he looked back before heading back to the apartment. Once we were in the adults and Auggie were decorating.

"Hey guys."
"Hey girls, Lucas."
The door bell went.
"It's farkle."
"And Zay."
"Come on up." I laughed.

"Hey maya Rachel." Eric called.
"Yes?" We both asked.
"Why don't you sing a song for us?"
We looked at each other.
"Sure/ok." We said together.
"You go first." Maya said to me.

I sang one song and then she sang a different song and at the end they mashed together. *Song above* Everyone clapped and we high fived and laughed before helping with the decorations.

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