Chapter 20

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Cory POV:

I was at 'topangas bakery' helping Topanga for the day. It wasn't very busy so we decided to go home after lunch hour. We closed at 2 and went back to ours. Maya and Riley were out with Zay and Farkle. Rachel was at Erics so I headed over to his. Josh opened the door.

"My brother"
"My brother" We hugged. I done the same to Eric.
"Where's Rach" I asked.
"Asleep, want tea" Eric replied.
"Uhh, yea, sure." I sat down.

We talked about our day and 2hrs later Rachel walked out of Erics room. She rubbed her eyes and looked up to see me. She smiled and ran over to me.

"Hey sis." I said as I stood up and hugged her.
"Nice sleep."
"How long was I asleep for"
"3hrs," Josh said.
"Don't be. You looked like you needed it. What had you so tired." Eric said.
"I have a math and music test coming up. It will determent what class we will be in, higher or ordinary. I can't be in ordinary so I have been studying for the tests. I also have to sing for music."
"You'll do great. You always do." I said as I hugged her.
"I hope so"
"Anyway, are you ready to go?"
"Yep, bye Eric, Josh."She hugged them and walked out the door.
"Seya." I said as I ran after her.

Rachel POV:

I walked in to our apartment to see Topanga setting the table. 
"Your just in time, dinner's ready." She smiled.
"Need help" 
"No, thanks. Can you get Auggie, RIley, Maya, Zay and Farkle. I think they are in her room."
I walked to RIleys room. I knocked and walked in.
"Hey guys. Riley, your mom said dinner's ready. You guys are also to come down."
"K" They said and went to the kitchen.
I went over to Auggies room and walked straight in as the door was open.
"Auggie, dinner's ready" I held out my hand for him
"K." He took my hand and we walked to the others.
I sat between Auggie and Cory. I started eating dinner. When I was finished I said night to everyone and went to bed.

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