Chapter 18

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Rachel POV:

I am sitting in my room trying to do my homework but I can't get it. Lucas crawled threw the window with his bag.
"Ready to catch up on work?" He asked.

I just nodded and gathered my books. We sat on the floor and piled all our books to the side. We started with math, my least favorite subject, and worked up to my favorite, history. After two hours we were finished. We were now sitting at the bay window. Well, I was sitting, Lucas was lying down with his head on my lap.

"You play piano?" He asked, looking at my keyboard beside the bed.
"Can you play for me?"

We got up and walked over to the piano. I sat on the stool while Lucas sat on my bed. I started playing 'A thousand years' by Christina Perri. I began to sing and Lucas joined in for Steve Kazees parts. When I played the last note we heard clapping. I turned around to come face to face with my family.

Cory POV:

I was sitting in the living room with Josh, Eric, Shawn, Topanga and Katie talking about our school days when I heard the sound of a piano and singing. I knew I wasn't the only one who heard because the others looked up too. We got up and walked in the direction of the sound. It lead us to Rachels room. I opened the door to see my sister playing the piano and Lucas looking at her while they were both singing. We stayed quiet till they were done and I started clapping. Rachel turned to us and when she saw me she turned back to face the piano. Lucas walked over to us. He looked at me.

"She's really upset about your argument, Mr. Matthews, I think you should talk to her."
He grabbed his bag and walked over to Rachel whispering something in her ear. She nodded in reply and Lucas walked by us, out the door. Topanga and the others followed leaving me and Rachel alone.

I walked over to her and sat on her bed. I saw silent tears falling down her cheeks. I hugged her and she hid her face in my chest.
"I'm sorry" I said.
"For what?" She asked.
"Not letting you make your own decision."
"I forgive you" She let go of me and looked at me, smiling.

"Dinners ready."  Topanga called.
"coming" I replied, standing up. I faced Rach, "You coming?" I held my hand out to her.
"Yea" She said and grabbed my hand.
I pulled her up and lead her to the kitchen where the others were already eating. Rach sat between Josh and Lucas. I sat beside Topanga and Eric.
"Everything sorted " Topanga whispered as she layed her head on my shoulder.
I looked towards Rachel, she was laughing at something Lucas said.
"Yea, everything's sorted." I whispered.
"Good" she said and sat up continuing to eat her dinner.

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