Chapter 22

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Rachel POV:

I walked threw the apartment door only to be picked up and twirled around by Cory.

"I'm so proud of you."
"Of what?" Josh asked.
I only then noticed that Shawn, Eric, Josh and Katy were there.
"I am singing at the awards."
"Congrats" They said
"There is also a dance afterwards." Riley said as he walked towards us.
"And.." Shawn hinted.

"Guess who she's going with."
"Nooo. Please no, anyone but him" Cory whined to me.
"Who is it?" Eric asked.
"That the guy who.." 
"Yes, that's him" Cory interrupted him.
"Good job we are going again, then"
"Guys, we are just friends, noting else. Just two friends that are going to a dance together that happen to be a girl and boy."
"Yea guys, let her be" Katie walked to me and side hugged me.
"Fine" The guys said

"What are you singing anyway." Cory asked.
"That's for me to know and for you to find out."
"No buts. I ain't telling you."
"Now, excuse me, I am going to my room to do homework."

I walked to my room and sat at my desk. I only had history so it wasn't that bad. I was finished withen half an hour. My phone went off, I got a text from Kate asking if I wanted to go shopping for the dance. I texted back saying that I would meet them in 5 as the shopping centre was 5mins away from my place. I grabbed my coat ,bag, purse and phone and went down to tell the others.

"I'm going shopping with friends. Won't be back before dinner so will buy something to eat."
"Alright. Be safe."
"Will do"

I ran down and meet up with Kate, Sarah and Tayler and we went to many shops and went to a restaurant down the road. I mainly got clothes and shoes. I got a dress and shoes for the dance. I got home at 9 and went straight to bed, ready for the awards tomorrow.

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