Christmas special day 18

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Rachel POV:

"So he finally let you out?" Zay asked as nLucas gave me hot coco

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"So he finally let you out?" Zay asked as nLucas gave me hot coco.
"Yep. He realized that it was a once off thing, I hope."
"Well so do we. It was boring without you." Maya smiled.
I laughed.
"So christmas presents?" Riley asked.
"Riley I am not going to tell you what i got you." I laughed at her.
"At least a hint?"
"Nope." I smiled.

Everyone laughed. We continued laughing and talking until I had to go home. I said bye and Lucas walked me home. Once at the door I turned to Lucas and kissed him quickly.

"Before Cory comes out." I said just as the door opened.
Cory looked out at us.
"Goodbye Rachel, Cory." He nodded and walked off.

Once in Cory looked me over to make sure I was alright. Once he was sure that noting happened to me he told me to go rest and that he would call when dinner was ready. I just fell asleep watching supernatural.

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