Chapter 38

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Rachel POV:

"Breakfast is ready."Topanga called.
I went to get out of bed but felt someone underneath my feet. i lay back down and looked to see Stacey. She yawned and stretched.
"Morning." I laughed.
"What time is it?" She asked.
"10. Come on, let's get breakfast."
"Will your parents mind?" 
"I don't have parents I live with my brother and his family. But, no, they won't mind."
"OMG, I'm so sorry, I shouldn't of assumed that you had parents."
"It's fine"
She smiled.
"So, breakfast?" I asked.
"Ummm. Yea, sure."

We walked to the kitchen and seen everyone sitting down already.
"Morning." I smiled.
"Good morning, sweetie, who's this?" Topanga asked.
"Hi, I'm Stacey. I climbed through Rachels window last night due to................"
"it being rainy and cold." I said, "They'll go crazy if you say paparazzi." i whispered to her.
"Ohh. Yea, what she said."
"Well, would you like some breakfast. I made pancakes." Topanga smiled.
"If it's no hassle."
"No, of course not. A friend of Rachels is always welcomed."
"Rachel, yours are on the counter beside the fridge."

I got mine and then sat beside Stacey. She looked at mine.
"I'm vegan."

"Morning family. What's up?" josh walked in.
"ever heard of knocking?" I asked.
"What even is that?" Josh joked.
"My brother" Cory called.
"My brother" Josh replied.
"Who's the new girl?" He asked.
"That's Stacey. A friend of Rachels."
"well it's lovely to meet you."

We finished our breakfast and went back to the room. Stacey sat on the bed while I walked over to the closet.
"Your family are lovely."
"Yea. And annoying."
"haha. All familys are."
"True. Hey, wanna hang out at Topangas. I'm meeting my friends but you can join."
"Why not."
"Do you need a change of clothes."
"Umm. If you don't mind."

I headed to the bathroom while she went to my closet and looked for a change of clothes.

I headed to the bathroom while she went to my closet and looked for a change of clothes

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"ready to go?" i asked.

We walked to Topanga and I seen the guys sitting were we usually sit.

"There over there. Hey guys, meet Stacey."

"Hi Stacey." They said as we sit down.
"Where are the girls." I asked.
"They had to do something. Said they'ld be back" Zay explained.
"Ohh. Cool."
"So, Stacey. Where you originally from." Lucas asked.
"Canada. I moved here with my sister for her job."
"Cool. Well, I'm Farkle, the tall blonde boy is Lucas and the other one is Zay."

"And I'm Riley"
we turned to see Riley and Maya walk up.


we all talked for a bit.
"So, are any of you dating?" Stacy asked.
"I'm dating Riley" Farkle said putting an arm around Riley.
"I'm dating Maya" Zay said doing the same as Farkle with Maya.
"you Lucas, Rach"
"Well, that's a bit complicated." I said.
"We went out but with them four. Although I did ask." Lucas said.
"Ohhh. Would you not count it as dating?"
"we dunno." We said.
"Actually, Rachel, I have something to ask you." Lucas said placing hid cup on the table.
"Yes?" I done the same.
"Will you, uhhhh, be my girlfriend?"
Everyone in Topangas stopped talking and watched. I noticed my brothers and Sean at the table behind us with Topanga and Katie standing beside them.

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