Christmas special day 14

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Rachel POV:

"Rach, you ready to go?" Cory called

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"Rach, you ready to go?" Cory called.

I ran out of my room putting the back of my earring on.  Cory, Topanga, Eric, Josh, Jack, Shawn, Morgan, Katy and my friends were there waiting. We walked to the car and I went with my brothers while the others split up into two cars. we arrived at the school 15mins later. I ran in and went backstage just in time for my performance. I was handed a mike and pushed to the stage side.

"And lastly we have Rachel matthews and she is singing for us."

I walked on stage and looked out to the crowd. My family and friends were standing at the back. They smiled at me as the music began.

"Hey guys, thank you so much for coming tonight. did you all have fun?" I asked.
They all clapped and cheered. I laughed.
"Well that's great. Now this last song is something you all should know so please sing along."

As I started singing everyone walked back on stage. they joined hands as I sang.

"Merry Christmas everyone and a peaceful and safe new year."

I walked off stage.

Cory POV:

We all clapped and cheered as everyone walked off. Once they left everyone started to pile out the doors.

"She's ggod." Josh said.
"Yea." Eric agreed.
"She did well. " I smiled.
"Come on proud siblings of Rachels, let's go." Topanga laughed and we walked to the car.

Once Rachel got to the car we all congratulated her and hugged her. As soon as we got home we all went straight to bed, tired from the late night.

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