Christmas special day 15

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Rachel POV:

"Morning Rachel." Cory smiled.
I smiled and stood at the step. I had a headache and felt really weak for some odd reason.
"Rach, you ok? You seem pale." Topanga asked.
"Yea I'm Fi....." Everything went black.

Cory POV:

Rachel collapsed and went falling down the step. I grabbed her before she hit her head. I picked her up and layed her on the sofa. Topanga kneeled beside her and felt her forehead.

"She's no temperature."
"What happened?" 
I turned to see Eric and Josh walk in.
"Rach collapsed."
"No." I shook my head.
"maybe stress from exams." Josh suggested.
"Maybe." I said.

Just then rachel began to stir slightly. Topanga moved to the kitchen and rooted through the cabinet.

Rachel POV:

I groaned as I sat up.

"What happened?" I asked rubbing my head.
"You fainted sweetie." Cory said rubbing my back as he sat beside me.
"Here." Topanga handed me water and a tblet.
I smiled at her and took it.
"bed rest for the day.£ Eric said.
I looked up at him.
"But I'm meant to be meeting the others at Topangas." I whined.
"nope. Up to bed." eric pointed.

I sighed and made my way to my room. I just lay in bed and watched youtube. My brothers came in every now and then to check on me. At around lunch my eyes felt heavy and I fell asleep.

Josh POV:

I went to check on Rachel to see her fast asleep. i rolled the covers over her and kissed her head. I took a picture before leaving her room to inform the others.

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