Chapter 25

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Rachel POV:

Monday morning. I groaned and got up. I walked over to the wardrobe and changed.

I grabbed my bag and put my phone in the front pocket

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I grabbed my bag and put my phone in the front pocket. I packed another bag because we were going camping with the class for the week. When I was finished, I walked to the kitchen and grabbed a nature valley bar. I hugged Cory and Topanga and made my way to school with Maya and Riley.


I was sorting out my locker for the day when I felt someone behind me. I slammed my locker and turned to see Lucas smiling at me. 
"What" I smiled.
"Just came here to walk a pretty girl to class."
"Why" I laughed.
"Well, Maya went with Zay and Riley went with Farkle so, I thought, why not."
"Oh. Well thanks, I guess."
"Shall we" He held out his elbow.
"We shall" I laughed
I looped my hand with his and walked to history. When we walked in Cory stared at us with his mouth wide open. He stomped over to us and stood between us so we were far apart. He glared at Lucas while talking to me.

"Your late." He said.
"Your with him"
"I don't like that"
"Sit down"

We rushed to our seat and sat down, Lucas behind me. Cory walked back to the board and pointed at it.

"What's wrong with the nature"
"Noting. But we are going to the Mount ski lodge and guess what's going to happen there."
"What" Riley asked.
"Two people are going to fall in love, like always"
"And how do you know that, Matthews" Maya asked.
"Because it always does. And we all know who those two people are."
Everyone looked at me and Lucas. 
"What" We both asked.
They looked back at Cory.
"So, I brought some people to help."
"Oh no"
"Hey kiddos" Josh walked in, followed by Shawn and Eric.
"What are you doing here, what are they doing here" I looked at them then Cory.
"I invited them" Topanga walked in, followed by Katie.
"I invited her. I'm smart" Cory said walking up to them.
"I hate you" I glared at Topanga.
"We'll be looking over you all the way" She said ignoring my glare. 
The bell went. Everyone walked out to the bus, I waited for Lucas.
"How bad do you think it's going to be?" He asked.
"They won't let us out of their sight." I replied.
He grabbed my bag and walked out to the bus, me following. 
"This is going to be hard." I heard Josh say followed by an 'oww'.I laughed and sat beside Lucas on the bus and we talked the whole way.

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